Friday 16 May 2008

This "Road Rage Babe's" new problem.

A dear co-worker of mine has been in the car with me on two occasions when I have allowed my road rage to get the better of me. You remember my confessions of road rage? I thought confessing would be an effective strategy for helping me eliminate this problem. Obviously not. Today, I had a minor setback. It is that "time of the month." But, I shouldn't really use that as an excuse should I!!!

I was trying to find a parking spot at Costco and became impatient with the van in front of me, who was waiting to pull into an empty spot. I had my eye on the spot directly across from this space. My co-worker and I had limited time as we had to be back to our Autism course in 30 minutes. Finally, the van pulled into his spot and as I was about to enter "my" spot, a car coming from the opposite direction pulled in. I couldn't believe it. I was mad. Apparently ( I say apparently as I really don't remember exactly my reaction ) I said with hand gestures - no, not obscene gestures, I just talk lots with my hands, " you took my spot." She clearly was not happy with me and angrily said, " I didn't know you wanted that spot."

My poor co-worker friend was so embarrassed. She did casually make a comment to me in fun when we saw the woman in Costco. It went something like this, " you are a Christian girl...get it together."

Back at our Autism course, I couldn't get her comment out of my head. I felt so remorseful. What kind of example was I as a Christian? Yikes. Didn't I recently write a blog about walking our talk. What a HUGE lesson for me today. Even though I make light of my "road rage" stories, I need to stop the behaviour. I need to honour God in all I do, even in my driving habits. I don't know why I didn't make that connection before. Probably because I am usually alone when I am driving. I asked God to forgive me and now need to ask my co-worker to forgive me.

And maybe I need to enroll in behaviour modification therapy!

P.S. I just want to point out my road rage only started when I moved back to this area where I grew up. There has been a HUGE increase in population and very little increase in infrastructure to accommodate this influx, thus the major traffic issues. I'm not excusing my behaviour, but it explains why so many people have road rage issues in this area, including myself. Although my co-workers feel it is because I'm sexually frustrated!!! hehehe!! We won't go there!!:)


Heather said...

That wasn't road rage, sister. That was just reacting to a very rude person. I can't believe she would steal your space like that!!

A New Yorker said...

Karyne, you are confusing being a good person and being perfect. It's not normal to be "good" all the time and g-d wouldn't want you to be that way. You can't learn lessons by never getting upset or feeling angry etc...

And that woman took your spot. She did a nasty thing. I think it was very un-christian of the co-worker in the car with you to judge you.

I am not christian but isn't there something about not judging lest ye be judged? somewhere in your bible. And something about throwing the first stone?

swilek said...

Ladies, thank you for your points of view and encouragment....I guess we Canadians are too polite!! You both have honestly validated my feelings and given me a different perspective..thanks...
Lauren.. thanks for your comments...I never know where to write responses to I pop on over to your blog or post them here...I never know when the subscriber of the blog comments on my comments!!! That is confusing isnt' it...anyways...
back to Lauren...
you make some very good points - very true...I appreciate your perspective, esp. as a non Christian. Yes Lauren, the Bible does talk about that...I'll have to chat with you more later about this as it is an extensive's late and my mind doesn't seem clear so hopefully what I'm about to say will make some sort of sense!!!:) hehehe! Part of growing up in the church, not being a Christian, is the guilt that somehow gets put on us... I thought I experienced freedom from that, but sometimes without realizing it, the guilt creeps in..Jesus came to free us from the law yet somehow we get stuck!! I was talking to God after this "incident" and did think that it is too hard trying to be a good example so people won't be more turned off God. But really you are right...God doesn't want us to be did I get to that point!!:) I know I worry too much about what people think and am working on that!! okay, i better go as I am rambling!! it's a good discussion topic..and lauren, I did read your post about perfectionism..actually , i will pop on over now to say hi and tell you about this long comment!!!

Tiffany said...

Popped on over from Mindless Junque.

This isn't road rage... we all live by certain rules in our society. We trust one another to do so, it keeps things orderly. She got selfish and decided her need for the space was above our rules of parking spaces.

There is nothing wrong with sticking up for yourself.

I'll be back!

A New Yorker said...

Hey K, I saw your comment on my blog and here too. Thanks! You can comment on my blog anytime or respond here and I will pop in to see if you responded. You can always email me off site as well if you feel so moved :-) my addy is the same as my site's name at gmail.