Tuesday 27 May 2008

Sweet Moments From Today....

The grade 8 students in "C"'s class presented their valedictorian speeches. Every one of the speeches I was privileged to hear mentioned how they have been changed by "C" being in their class this year. They went on to share how they have learned more about autism and are not afraid of "C" anymore! They see him as a real person who is funny! Tears of joy filled my eyes as I listened to their sweet honesty. All the frustration with "C"'s stubbornness, all those nose bleeds I've had to deal with, all the doubts wondering if integration is beneficial, all the playfulness, all the smiles and giggles, all the work that has been accomplished have been worth it all to know these grade 8 students have been impacted by a precious young man who has autism. Their lives will never be the same. It was a sweet moment.

My sweet "D" has a problem with fool smelling flatulence due to all the beans and chickpeas she ingests! Today was no exception except now she is trying to place the blame on me! Here is our conversation:

"D": ( pointing and smiling at me) Kowryne, you passed gas?

"Kowryne" (me!): No "D" ....you passed gas!

"D": ( giggling) YES!!!!

"D": ( still smiling) You stink.

"Kowryne": ( still smiling) No "D"...you stink!!!!

"D": Oh sawry ( sorry)....Okay.

I LOVE that "D" is able to joke around now! Another sweet moment.

A "not so sweet moment"....

One of our grade 8 students participated in the regional track meet yesterday and collapsed half way through her run. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital. When the teacher called her parents to inform them of their daughter's situation, their response was, "we will come after work (to the hospital)." What parent wouldn't come right away to their child's side. Obviously her parents. Our principal, along with the teacher stayed at the hospital with her until her parents arrived hours later. ( she is okay by the way!) How sad. How sad. How sad. No wonder this girl looks sooooo dejected all the time in class. My heart aches for this precious child. A not so sweet moment of the day.


Heather said...

Oh my stars, that's funny!! "D" sounds like a character. I'm so sorry about the girl that collapsed, though. I'm glad she's okay.

Unknown said...

Silly, silly parents! So glad there are others who were willing to wait with her.
I have not mentioned this too often, because labels may one day haunt my son...on my blog...but I am a mother of a child with autism.
I respectfully try not to talk about him on my blog because he is painfully aware of his weaknesses (he is VERY high functioning).
I would love to tell you though that I am SO thankful for people, such as yourself, who treat the children you work with respect and fun...knowing that their intellect and ability to be humorous and personable is strong...we thank you!...atleast I do!
We have had wonderful aids for our son and thank God frequently for their influence in his life.

A New Yorker said...

D sounds really funny! It's nice to know you are making a difference for them both.

Horrid about those other parents though. Some people just don't get it, and although I always strive to see the lesson in everything, it is hard for my mind not to go to the place where I think, why can people like that couple up and make kids and I am single and childless!

swilek said...

Heather and Lauren..."D" IS a character...it is soooo hard to get mad at her when she acts up ( spitting, ripping her work, stealing the sweets locked in the cupboard,etc.) because she is sooooo darn cute!!!

Evi, thanks for sharing something personal and from your heart and I will pop on over to your blog to comment...thank you for appreciating those that work with your children...they are special and it is sooo exciting when the other kids in the class "get it!" that makes it all worth while!!

Lauren, I agree with you too...it is especially sad when there are couples out there who can't have children and would make amazing parents!

The girl is okay and back to school but apparently is going for some kind of tests..that is good!

swilek said...

evi..i'll have to comment later on when i get home from work...the comment section is blocked for some reason here at work!