Tuesday 12 April 2016


My Anchor Word for 2016!

I loved this idea about choosing an anchor word for the year when I first heard about it from a twitter friend last year.
I prayed about finding a word for 2016 and the word renewal kept coming to my mind for about a week. Immediately I knew this would be my anchor word for the year! So I knew the verses in Isaiah 40:29-31 would be a perfect fit for my anchor word, renewal.

"God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint."

What does renewal mean to me?

I created a graphic organizer in my journal and brainstormed words that came to mind:






pursue my creative energy

stay out of work politics the best I can

My prayer for renewal in my personal life is to try to live out the "I don't care what people think" motto.  I am someone who does care what people think. I have tried to change over the years and have slowly progressed. There are many reasons why I care what people think, one of which is I am a peacemaker by nature and hate conflict But this year will be my year where I will conquer this motto! I need to not worry about other people and live life confidently!

In addition, I desire to acquire "thicker " skin and not take things so personal.  I am a sensitive person by nature but need to realize it is not about me the majority of the time and stop taking things personal. This trait goes back to the peacemaking part of who I am. I sense tension and conflict in people and somehow think they are angry with me. When I logically take a step back, I clearly see it has nothing to do with me and is what the other person is going through at that time!

My prayer for renewal in my spiritual life is to daily pray this short prayer my priest shared with our church one Sunday morning:

 "Lord interrupt my day with your Presence."

At the end of each day, I want to make a habit of acknowledging where God showed up and say thank you!

Here's to a RENEWED 2016!