Friday 20 June 2008

George Clooney ? Are you There? George?

To my readers out there in the blogosphere,

Did you know I have a HUGE crush on George Clooney?!!! You didn't?!!! Well, no worries!!! You can check here and here and HERE for a recap!

I am enlisting your help. If any of you know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows a cousin, who knows George, ***deep breath*** can you arrange a blind date for the two of us?

It never hurts to ask!

Thanking you profusely in advance,


PS Can you tell I am home alone on a Friday night?!!:)


Heather said...

Dear Karyne,

I've gotten word of your adorable efforts to contact me. My dear, dear friend Brad Pitt lurks here on your blog and told me that you'd like a date with me. Nothing would make me happier. In fact, I was thinking you would love to see my villa in Italy. I'll have a limo pick you up and take you to my private jet. Wear something va-va-voom.

Love always, George

swilek said...

My Dear George,
I'm so glad to hear Brad passed on my message to you. I can be ready, wearing a VA-VA-VOOM outfit that will blow your socks off, in 15 minutes! Italy here we come...since you are new to my blog, check out my latest post about my experience in Rome. I know I'll have a much different adventure with you! I'm learning a new sport from my bloggy friend Heather at Mindless Junque that will add some flavour to our Tuscan experience!!!

Always your love,

Bar L. said...

I know a guy who knows everyone in Hollywood. Well, I don't KNOW know him, like I can't call him...but I know some people who KNOW know him so I'll see if I can pull some strings. If so, you owe me big time!

A New Yorker said...

FORGEDDAAABOUD HIM. He is a womaneater...he never sticks around for long. You deserve better!

swilek said...

Lauren..thank you for looking out for me!!:) I also think he may have some commitment issues!!:):)

Barbara...hey sure...I'm up for it and will owe you BIG time!!