Friday 13 June 2008

ABC Wednesday...a little late!

I'm a little late with my U pictures this week as I spent some time with my dad in the ER. Prayers were answered and he is okay. Due to his health history, we thought he had a heart attack, but long story short after an x-ray and cat-scan, it turns out it was an issue with his bowels. He is home and resting. I thank all of you who were praying for my dad!

Without further are my U pics. You can check out Mrs. Nesbitt's place for more creative photos....
U pside Down U mbrella...My "Ikea" golf umbrella I bought for $1! I LOVE "Ikea" and it reminds me of my wonderful year spent in Sweden. And they sell my FAVOURITE Marabou chocolate bars!!
U nderwear...sadly this is my underwear drawer!


mrsnesbitt said...

Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa! An underwear drawer like mine! LOL!
Hope your dad is continuing to feel better.

Tiffany said...

IKEA is a favorite. But, it is a love/hate relationship. I love the stuff, love the prices, hate the service. But, 2 beats 1, so I go.

swilek said...

thanks mrs. nesbitt...he is on the mend...glad other people have scattered knickers!!!

mrs. r...i didn't know they had bad service...up our way i think it is still good...but i find the quality has gone down hill!