Tuesday 17 June 2008

ABC Wednesday...the forgotten "T's" before "V" week!

T ree house- I finally had the opportunity to take a pic of my friends' awesome tree house in their backyard last week...long after our "T" Wednesday.

Mr. Dressup's original T ickle Trunk. Mr. Dressup was a famous Canadian children's entertainer. I LOVED his Tickle Trunk. I excitedly waited to see what costume he would pull out next. To this day, I have my own Tickle Trunk for those special dress up occasions!


Runner Girl said...

Love that tree house! As a girl, I know that I would have spent hours up there with my Jane Austen and Willa Cather novels!!!! Someone sure is lucky!

What a great idea...ABC Wednesdays. Hope you're summer is happy!

A New Yorker said...

I want to know what one of those "special" occasions would be!!!