Saturday 8 March 2008

Chocolate Poetry????

Isabella's Chocolate Cafe is nestled in the heart of the 'shwa and has become one of my favourite local hang-outs! If you have ever been to the 'shwa ( or Oshawa as it is most often called. Its claim to fame is " the city that 'moto-vates' Canada" because it is home to General Motors) you know finding cool, artsy, socially conscious cafes with ambiance are few and far between. Every Friday night Isabella's has live music - or so I thought! I convinced a friend of mine to join me last night in the middle of the storm ( I was experiencing "cabin fever" so had to get out of the house. Oh btw, I am house/dog sitting for friends of mine from my church. They are off to the sunny US south - lucky people!). We found some comfy chairs at the back of the cafe where an artist was showcasing his work. We were pleasantly surprised and felt like we were at a gallery opening in New York City. Not bad for the 'shwa!!! Still no live music though. That is how I bribed my friend into coming...he loves listening to new music artists!
So you can imagine my dismay when a group of people, armed with poetry books, came sauntering back to our comfy area! Apparently there was to be no live music. Instead, it was "chocolate poetry" night! Due to how we were sitting, we ended up becoming part of their poetry circle by default! I was okay with it but wasn't sure if my friend would be into it! He said he was! We sat politely listening to the poems being read. Everyone was friendly and invited us to participate. I even had a woman "come on to me", which was an interesting experience in and of itself! For me, that made me a tad bit uncomfortable! No further comment! There were interesting characters participating! I so enjoy watching people and do enjoy meeting people with different interests and backgrounds! It makes the world such a colourful place! As simple as this sounds (or maybe it is a cliche), I am glad God made us all different! How boring life would be without a colourful world! The final verdict. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and decided we would go to the next chocolate poetry night! Here's hoping they actually hand out chocolate!

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