Wednesday 19 March 2008

Random Thoughts, Eh?!

"An Oshawa, Ont., teen held in China for stealing a pair of sunglasses from an airport kiosk is coming home. Her father says she is scared but is doing well." CTV News

This Oshawa teen was on a school trip to China for the March Break. The high school she attended was my Alma matter! Apparently her parents went on to question why no one told their daughter the rules were different in China regarding shoplifting. They went on to say that if their daughter shoplifted here in Canada at Walmart it would be no big deal. ( my paraphrase!)

Unbelievable. Here at school we wonder why our students have a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions. Go figure! I have become very frustrated with the state of our children. Of course, I am making a sweeping generalizing statement but I am afraid at how this generation will turn out. I am NOT totally blaming parents. I think there is something bigger that is happening in our society to influence our children. I have seen a drastic change in the last 5 years especially in the whole area of lack of respect for elders, for their own peers, for teachers, for principals, for parents for law enforcement. They have no fear for any kind of authority. Makes me wonder how this translates onto their faith. Do they fear God, fear eternal death, fear sin?

These thoughts were on my mind as I stopped at Tim Horton's for my morning coffee before work. It was interesting that the employee who served me totally opened up and began sharing about the challenges she has been facing with raising her teenage daughter. She doesn't understand her daughter's lack of respect and doesn't understand why she "talks back" to her. And this is a huge concern. Her culture is one that is VERY respectful. It was neat this woman felt she could share with me! I didn't even mention to her about my thoughts this morning!!!:) I was able to offer some words of encouragement and a smile!

I know parents are exasperated and my heart goes out to all the parents out there. You have a tough job ahead of you! I will be praying!

Just some random thoughts on my mind this morning in light of this news story. Great way to represent Canada, eh?


Huse Yo Mama said...

you must feel so proud, eh?

(did you see my appropriate usage of "eh?" I actually use it all the time in my writing! How funny!?)

swilek said...

I loved your appropriate use of "eh"!! You would make a great Canadian!!!