Friday 14 March 2008

Boxer or Briefs?

How do I get myself in these situations...

privy to interesting conversation in the most unlikely places.

So there I was this morning at Starbucks, peacefully enjoying my "tall, skinny, caramel, soy latte -extra hot" when these two 40-something ladies from the 'shwa (only those who read this blog that are from Oshawa will understand my missive - sorry for the inside joke- I hate excluding people but it is necessary info for this story) sit down in the comfy, wing back chairs beside me. I was trying to block out their loud conversation as I read my book, but something one of the 40- something ladies said, caught my attention. It went something like this:

40- something lady #1:

"So, my son just turned 21 and is so excited because he just bought his first pair of underwear all on his own."

40-something lady #2:


40-something lady #1:

"Yes. He was so proud but called me and said, 'Mom, I bought the wrong size. Would you do me a favour and return them to Zellers for me. I don't want the cashiers to raz me.' So I returned them for him."

40-something lady #2:

She actually had no comment, just nodded her head. years old... virgin underwear purchase ...I was speechless too. Mom should have made him return said underwear. Poor guy. I couldn't help but wonder if they were boxer or briefs!


m. said...

I'm partying with pictures. :) I write about my adorable kids and knitting through my ridiculous stash. You can find me here:

Anonymous said...

Now why on earth would you buy your own underwear when you aren't supporting yourself? I didn't buy my first pair with my own money until at least 21. I shopped for them before that of course, and decided what they were going to buy me, but that's about it. So to me that's normal :)


swilek said...

I didn't get the impression this guy even shopped for them before...he sounded like a mama's boy!