Monday 10 March 2008

Doin' the Hokey Pokey!

Today's blog post is dedicated to my new bloggy friend at Hokey Pokey Life!
She seems like my kind of girl! And she is a "southern belle" to boot!!:)

Almost one year ago, we went on strike after Spring Break. I was not happy about it as I am not really a union person. But, I had to go along with everything!!

So, being the creative, crazy person that I am, I decided to make the best of the situation and have some fun! It was FREEZING cold outside even though we had no snow. So to warm up, I convinced my fellow picket -er's to join me in doing the "Hokey Pokey" - a song we sing regularly with our special needs students - AND the name of my new bloggy friend's blog!!:) She loves to do the Hokey Pokey too!!YAY!!

The following pics are the documentation of our "Hokey Pokey" debut on the picket line..... put your right foot in, and you shake it all about... do the hokey, pokey and you turn yourself around....

.....that's what it's all about!

1 comment:

Runner Girl said...

LOVE IT! LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!!! Glad you're not on strike anymore! Thanks for the linky love, too! The Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about! Loving God and having fun!