Friday 7 March 2008

Welcome Ultimate Blog Party Guests!

Greetings Ultimate Blog Party Goer's ! Welcome to snowy, cold Canada! I am nestled in for the night awaiting the onslaught of yet another winter storm bringing over 25 cm of snow! (I forget the conversion in feet my US bloggy friends - but it is a LOT of snow!! ) We averaged about 2 storms per week for the month of February and it hasn't showed signs of stopping! In my neck of the woods, we do not normally get this much snow. Thus, I am ready for a good blog party to cheer me up!
So, come on in, put your feet up in front of the warm fire, have a cup of hot chocolate with me and stay for a while! I look forward to meeting you!
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Karyne and I have been blogging for a little over a year. I am a single - never been married - white female and am LOVING being 40!!! :) I work in an elementary school as an Educational Assistant , but my first career was a youth worker for a youth organization called, "Youth For Christ!" I do love what I do in spite of a few challenges, but doesn't every job have its challenges!! The key is to maintain a good sense of humour and have flexibility! I do blog about many of my student adventures, so beware!
Things I love ( in no particular order):
chocolate, the colour orange, vintage finds at great prices, travel, art: both participating in and appreciating, Paris, hiking, my parents, spending time with my friends, singing, playing piano, worshipping, shoes, cooking, Paris, coffee, hockey: just watching, not participating in, laughter, concerts, theatre, walking in downtown Toronto, road trips, maps, Paris, blind dates, Paris, antique hunting at flea markets, adventures, Paris...
Thanks for sharing a cup of hot chocolate with me! I look forward to visiting with you again! Enjoy the party!


mzzterry said...

Thanks for the hot chocolate! You sound like a FUN person. And I take it you kinda like errrr, PARIS??!!

=) Thanks for stopping by to visit me. Enjoy the party!

swilek said...

Yes, I do love was my 40th birthday present to myself...I went on my own and LOVED it! It represented so much for me!! Continue partying!!:)God Bless!

tammi said...

Hey, hey! It's always good to meet a fellow Canuck!! It was good to meet you!

Aphra said...

Reading the bit about the weather reminded me how I laughed yesterday when the American weatherman said the storm would only drop 10 inches (25 cm) so 'it wasn't a real nasty storm' or something like that. And I laughed because it's all relative, isn't it? lol.

Runner Girl said...

Hey Karyne! Thanks for stopping by A Hokey Pokey Life! I must admit, being snowed in with hot cocoa, a fire, and conversations of Paris do sound delightful!!! I've only been to Paris once, and I was in my first trimester of pregnancy, so needless to say, none of the delicious foods were very appetizing to me at the time. And the trip up the Eiffel Tower...up to the very tippity top, well, you just don't want to know the results. I can assure you that the visitors who had the good fortune of riding the elevator to the top with us will never forget the unfortunate experience! I'd love to go back and try again! Glad to meet you, can't wait to read more!

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Thanks for the hot chocolate. Brrrrr! I'm a little chilly from walking through all that snow!

I would love to go to Paris!

Come visit my party!

momofmhasr said...

Thanks for the party. Not 40 yet, getting closer though almost 36. i am Canadain though!Stop over to my blog to get to know me and my family better.