Tuesday 26 August 2008

Untitled Poem/Song

Looking through my old journals tonight, I came across this rough draft of a poem I wanted to make into a song, but never did - yet! It was written in September 2003. It is raw and vulnerable. It speaks for itself, with one exception...I have risen above and am celebrating my singleness today! (sure I still have my moments, but the pain and loneliness is not as deep as I used to experience)

One more thing...I never did come up with an appropriate title so if any of you have suggestions, please feel free to leave me a comment! Without further adieu, here it is:


Why am I on this soapbox
Why do I still struggle with these high school feelings
Why does it still matter what guys think of me
Why do people assume there is something wrong with me
because I am not married yet
Why do people think we are not complete and whole beings
because we are not married
Sometimes the pressure is too much
Sometimes the pain is too deep
Sometimes the loneliness too unbearable
Why do I get overlooked
Why do I feel rejected
I'm tired of getting overlooked - of getting rejected
There is nothing wrong with me
I am complete
I have every reason to be confident in
Who God created me to be
It is my prayer that those girls who come behind me
Who feel this way
Who ask "why do I get overlooked?"
Will rise above
Will Dance
Will Celebrate
Be complete!


A New Yorker said...

Good for you! And no that's not my suggestion for the title. ;-)

Karen said...

My 60 something year old cousin has been single her whole life. She is a STRONG christian and it never seemed to me that she needed, nor wanted marriage. She was able to be a principal for many years at a christian school. Then onto being a professor at a University in Missouri. She was also handed the job of helping raise her sick sister's children, who now is passed away, and her kids are grown with families of their own. I look at her as a strong woman who was just too stinkin' smart to be "tied down". God says He is sufficient and I'm sure you've come to that conclusion. I also tell my girls that they don't HAVE to get married. How neat that each of our lives are unique. I would hate to be a robot.