Saturday 2 August 2008

Problem Diverted!

Blogger and Internet Explorer seem to be letting me on blog sites again...yeah! Thanks goes out to Aphra and Gina for answering my cries of help! Gina thinks it was this:

"If you are having problems with your blog- GET RID OF SITEMETER!!Last night I could not get on my blog- and I'm not able to get on a number of your blogs out there. I found via a help message board that SiteMeter seems to causing some problems.So if you get the Windows message that pops up saying "Site cannot be opened. Operation aborted." when going to your blog, try deleting SiteMeter."

Some helpful info...thanks! Looking forward to reading my fav blogs again!


A New Yorker said...

Hmmm I didn't know that others were having issues. I use sitemeter and well it's staying. So hopefully you'll stop by with Firefox which is what I have done. :-) Hopefully IE gets that bug fixed soon.

swilek said...

i'm not sure it is due to sitemeter after all...i can now get on all sites that seem to have it..maybe i will try firefox! thanks!

Barbara said...

Thank you for solving the mystery, Detective Karyn! I suspected Sitemeter because I couldn't access the sites that use it. So much for adding it to mine.

Anonymous said...

I had the issue, but not every one that 'aborted' showed sitemeter - and sitemeter is still on, and things seem to be working today - so, a cyber mystery. It's all a cyber mystery.

Gina said...

It IS a mystery b/c removing sitemeter immediately rectified the problem on my blog. I'm going to try adding it back on and see what happens. It may have been some other issues too, but sitemeter did seem to somehow have a connection.
Who knows??!?!

Heather said...

Oh gosh, glad you're back!!

Aphra said...

I send you a message in Facebook with Barbara's email - email her so you can get the link!

Nestor Family said...

Hi! Just letting you know that I left you an award HERE.

Am enjoying your blog and your spirit for life!

swilek said...

thanks everyone...everything is working just fine now!! yay!!