Friday 25 July 2008

Let's Try again fancy colours or fonts this time...My mantra story is now readable!

Okay. So, here's the thing. I had to come up with a new mantra today. Are you ready? For you parents out there, this mantra will not surprise you. But for moi, a woman with no children, this is a mantra I need to repeat over and over again while "supervising" my teenage niece. Did I mention she is a TEENAGER? Here goes......


Did I also mention I offered to drive the boyfriend home ( about 20 minutes west of my niece's house) last night well past my bedtime? Well, the said boyfriend didn't know his way home via the car because he always takes the bus. Thus, we got lost. And I don't know Ottawa well at all so I was of little help except I knew when we saw a sign for Stittsville, we had gone too far. Yup. Lost in the middle of nowhere, no cars, no gas stations in sight, in the pouring rain. I made him call his mom and wake her up to help us out. We FINALLY arrived at his house.

The adventure didn't end there. My niece directed me home except we got lost again. I should have learned my lesson the first time we got lost. I should have asked the boyfriend's mom how to get home! So, I made my niece wake up the boyfriend's mom again. We made it safely home - an hour and a half later.

Did I ALSO mention that morning my niece woke me up EXTREMELY early with all her banging of doors and the dog barking, etc? SO, I was so looking forward to sleeping in this morning. Yup. You guessed correctly. It didn't happen. Thus, my mantra was formed:


I was in a deep sleep dreaming of George Clooney when I was startled by the dog barking loudly and a frantic rapping at my bedroom door. Yup. You guessed it. My niece. She was in a tither because she locked herself out of her bedroom. Why they have locks on the door is beyond me. Anyways, she was crying and was requesting my help to get the door open. She needed her books for school and needed to be on time or apparently she wouldn't be able to write her exam tomorrow.


All kidding aside for one moment... I did have to say a prayer to God. I prayed for strength to help me NOT be frustrated with my niece even though I wanted to scream! I prayed that I would be able to let my needs go and focus on my niece. I rarely get to see her so I wanted to be able to help her in a constructive way. I also didn't want her to see me grumpy. I am here for her not me. I have the whole summer to sleep in! Finally, I prayed we would get the door open before panic set in...well, it had already set in and thus her dog was in a panic too! Yikes!

First, I got her to put the dog outside and that seemed to calm the situation. Next, I asked her to get me a coat hanger. What was I thinking? I am no thief and have no idea how to pick a lock. I tried the credit card thing too. I guess I watch too many movies. Mission failed. Of course. Then I got a brilliant idea....

Call the parents. Apparently there was a spare key hidden away somewhere. So, after my sister-in-law revealed the secret location to me ONLY, I managed to open her bedroom door. She was eternally grateful and was able to collect her belongings and make it to school on time! Whew! A close call!!


I'm glad I made that choice this morning. And, I am so glad I am single! I like being a bit selfish!


Unknown said...

Wow! To be thrown into the swing of hormones, boyfriends and panic attacks. You are a brave soul! Hang in that there will actually be some 'you' left after all of the 'it is not about me' sacrificial experience is over.

A New Yorker said...

It's funny how you ended your post. I often think that when I see a couple fighting or I hear a friend tell me about how her relationship isn't very close or similar situations. It really makes me appreciate where I am and being single. I do hope though that I do get my chance at a partnership...a real one though!

Catherine said...

Teenagers are tough and come with a whole new set of challenges when you're coming in on a part-time basis. Want to be there for them, befriend them yet at the same time be the voice of reason. Sounds like you did a great job! Did you get to nap after she went to school? Sounds like a nap would have been in order. lol!

swilek said...

thanks ladies...yes catherine i did get a nap!! i've actually been napping every afternoon ...not sure why..maybe the lazy hazy days of summer...all kidding aside, it really was good to spend time with my niece!