Tuesday 29 April 2008

Role Reversal

Watching my parents age is not a stage in my life I enjoy. I try not to think about the time when they will no longer be with me here on earth. That is too painful, even though I know it is inevitable. For the most part, my parents seem very young and look great. But, there are times when it is difficult watching them struggle. I had a difficult weekend with my mom. She was quite sick- a blockage in her bowels and up in her stomach. In addition, her mood was not great, thus causing some miscommunication issues with me. I, in turn, became impatient and said some things I probably should have left inside my brain!! My dad was away in the States for a men's conference so I was left to care for her. It's funny how roles reverse as we age. As I sat with her in the bathroom, holding her head and rubbing her back, I gained a greater appreciation for all the times she held me when I was sick. Today, even as a 40 year old adult, I want my mom when I am sick! She is doing much better and our miscommunication issues are long forgotten. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing! I am forever grateful for the unconditional love of our mothers!


Anonymous said...

Hello Karyne,

I’ve discovered your blog coincidentially and liked it very much.

My father used to say “The parents are just like tall plane trees. Even if they become very old, sick and dependent on us, even if we do not need them anymore financially, even if we get married and have children, their existence makes us feel safe. And when they pass away, we feel a big loss even if we are 60 years old”.

My father died eight years ago and I still miss him.

And I’m just like you. Although I do not live in the same house with my mother, I call her everytime I’m sick. We often have disputes mostly because of the generation difference but she always forgives me. And, even if I have a sister so I’m not alone in life, I’m terribly afraid to lose my mother.

Friendly greetings from Istanbul/Turkey,


swilek said...

Thanks for sharing and welcome to my blog...exciting I have an overseas visitor!! That was beautiful what your father said...I'm glad you still have his fond memories!

Runner Girl said...

What a sweet, sweet, and painfully honest post. It is difficult to watch those who shaped your life shrink before your very eyes. The fears of losing them and letting go are WAY TO BIG FOR ME!

On a much lighter note, girl, you need to get those photo albums of your on this blog...if that is possible! I so enjoyed looking at your pictures, and I feel like I really know you now...do I? LOVED THEM!!!! And what a cool thing that picsaweb! From your pictures, it appears that you have a fabulous life...and I know you do! Thanks for sharing that with your readers!

Suburbia said...

Hi I found you at muge tekil's. I am an only child and like you I worry about my mum and how things will proceede in old age. It is such a role reversal, mums are always so strong. It will be hard but we owe them!
I enjoyed your blog and hope to visit again.