Thursday 17 April 2008

The Krazy Escapades of a 40 year old DATING single!

I have been wanting to post something here for a while about my "krazy escapades" of dating/being single at 40 when I read this GREAT post the other day from a new bloggy friend. The post pretty much summed it all up! Peruse at your leisure. It will help you understand how the dating scene is VERY different in this stage of life!! One difference being: where do you find the single men?

I have had some Krazy, with a capital K, blind date adventures that I will eventually share here, especially for my married bloggy friends! You can live vicariously through me! Decide for yourself whether or not you would want to enter the dating scene again, should the opportunity arise!!! :) lol!

In the meantime, you can join me on my dating/non-dating adventures! Stay tuned!


Bar L. said...

Thank you so much for the recognition!! I think you are my kinda gal, can't wait to read about some of y our dating escapades :)

swilek said...

You are welcome!! I think you are my kinda gal too!!