Friday 18 April 2008

The grand arrival of "Similes are Like Metaphors"

Here's a story
Of a Canadian teacher
Who was eag-er-ly awaiting her grand prize
Fin-a-lly Mr. Postman de-ee-liv-ered
Right before her very eyes...
The "winning" Vintage Vantage t-shirt that will arise....

Okay, okay, I promise no more cheesy poems to the tune of "The Brady Bunch" theme!!

Here is a pic of me and my new t-shirt!! Isn't it perfect! !:)
No one was around to take a photo, so I attempted this one myself! Stay tuned for a pic of me, this t-shirt and my class!

I was a bit disappointed this evening when I wore my new t-shirt to run some errands and to get my hair cut. No one commented on it!! I just think this shirt is hilarious, so I assume other people will find it funny too! I guess my sense of humour is different from the rest of the world!!:) C'est la Vie!!!:) I am just thrilled "similes are like metaphors" found its home with me!

1 comment:

•J•O•A•N• said...

congratulations! it looks great =D