Tuesday 22 April 2008

Tag I'm It!

Kimberley at Hokey Pokey Life tagged me with this meme. I had no idea what a meme was and still am a big confused about the whole thing. According to Kimberley, it means, "another cyberworld tool to expand your blogging horizons that really means nothing!" In other words, a chance for you to get more traffic on your blog!

Yet, I LOVE questions that enable you to find out seemingly insignificant tidbits about people.

So, apparently this meme tag topic is to post 6 unimportant things about yourself. And then tag 6 other people. But first,

the rules:

1. Link back to the person who tagged you. (In my case, that would be Kimberley)
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry.

Now, here are 6 really unimportant things about me:

1. I rode a mechanical bull for 8 seconds when I lived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada!!! The Albertans are true cowboys and cowgirls. Yet, I was only an "honourary" cowgirl for the 5 years I lived there! I still have in my possession well worn cowboy boots and Wrangler jeans! And I must confess, I still listen to country music on occasion!

2. I have never eaten a hamburger at McDonald's. It is true. Hamburgers are not one of my favourite foods, only if they are homemade and cooked on the BBQ!

3. I had my coc·cyx removed the summer before entering high school. For those of you wondering what a coccyx is ( no it is not a cuss word) and how to pronounce it, here is dictionary.com's definition:

[kok'siks] (okay, so even the phonetic pronunciation sounds like a cuss word!)

a small triangular bone forming the lower extremity of the spinal column in humans, consisting of four ankylosed rudimentary vertebrae.

In other words, I had my tailbone removed!
How did that happen you ask? Well, I was playing around in grade 7 gym class and sat down hard on the edge of a wooden bench. OOUCH!!!! For two years I complained to my parents about the pain in my butt - no I was not a "pain in the butt...I was a good daughter!!! Finally, we went to the doctor and discovered my coccyx was barely hanging on, just by a thread. So, my doctor strongly suggested I get it removed, especially if I was going to have children as it would certainly have broken off and done some damage to my child. Well, I never had children - not yet anyway- but have no tailbone in the way!! The only effects of my surgery is the arthritis I now have in my lower back!! The bonus of the surgery is my scar line is not visable. It is hidden in the deep folds of my buttocks!! ALTHOUGH getting the stitches removed was not a pleasant experience. but I will spare you the details!

4. I played trumpet in our high school band. For a short period, I played baritone, that is until I had a minor mishap with the instrument! It happened on the first day we got our brand new $500 baritone ( remember this was back in the 80's so $500 was a LOT of money). It happened to also be the first day I wore my brand new $100 glasses with a brand new prescription. I was feeling dizzy and seeing double all day. So, when band practice was finished and I was putting my beautiful new baritone away, I thought I was stepping down on the wooden riser, but in reality I was stepping on air. All I remember after that was hearing everyone say, "Mr. Ward ( our music teacher) is going to kill you." I wasn't sure why they were uttering those words UNTIL I moved saw the smmmmuuuussssshed baritone before my horrified eyes. I guess when I fell, I landed on top of the brand new $500 baritone. No one seemed concerned for my physical state at that moment as they were all examining the flattened bell of the baritone! I don't remember if I cried, but I probably did. What I do remember is how Mr. Ward handled the situation. He was soooo GRACIOUS and CALM. He never yelled at me nor did he ever ask me to pay for the repairs. I loved Mr. Ward! He is actually still teaching at my old high school. When the baritone came back from the repair shop, it looked brand new ,except for a couple of tiny crease lines in the curve of the bell. Needless to say Mr. Ward put me back on trumpet for the remainder of the year! In addition to playing trumpet, I was a wanna-be Broadway star in our high school musicals! Actually, I wasn't the star, only chorus and bit part member. To this day, it is my dream to be in a Broadway show. Considering I can't dance and am now 40, I don't think this dream will become reality! Maybe I will be a talk show host instead. Move on over Oprah! All kidding aside, my experience in my high school musicals instilled a deep love of the theatre in me, even to this day!

5. "No Boys Allowed in the Girl's Dorm" was a College rule I broke on several occasions without getting caught. I went to a strict Bible College from 1988-1991, thus the rule. Actually, it was a great school and eased up on some of the strictness in my final year. Wow...it feels good to confess that to the cyberworld! After all, apparently "confession is good for the soul!" One of the "boys" I had in my room was none other than Ken in Bolivia. In fact, one night I had to hide him in my walk- in closet because a dorm mate stopped by my room for a visit. She never left until 1am ( I did try my best to get rid of her so Ken could escape). Ken was a wee bit late for his 11pm curfew! And a bit claustrophobic!

6. I walked up all 700 steps ( and down too) of the Eiffel Tower. I was in Paris to celebrate my 40th birthday. I travelled alone to the city of lights and love and absolutely LOVED it! I felt free! Free to be me with no one to answer to! I even had a brief Parisian romance! You know what they say, "whatever happens in Paris stays in Paris! I was proud to have the "chutzpa" to travel alone- a first for me and hopefully not the last. Although the next time I go to Paris, I would love to be in the arms of the man I love!

Okay, here are my 6 tagees: (If you haven't visited their blogs, go right now because they are wonderful...really! )

1. Ken at The View From Down Here.
2. Carolyn at Spend a Penny.
3. Catherine at Catherine's Chatter-Waiting for Hannah.
4. Barbara at Writing From the Inside Out.
5. Ally at Supersimbo.
6. Rachel at Huse Blog is it Anyway?

Thanks for tagging me, Kimberley! This was fun!!


Runner Girl said...

Wow, Karyne! I laughed out loud at the thought of riding a bull! Good for you! Based on this and travelling to Paris alone, I know that you are an adventurous girl. I don't know how you have survived for 40 years without one McDonald's hamburger, but needless to say, I am impressed! Thanks for playing along!

Bar L. said...

I am in awe of you for traveling to Paris alone on your birthday. I think that is incredible...I don't know if I would ever do it.

You must have been in so much pain with a broken tailbone! I can't imagine. Its good that it hasn't really had a negative effect on you.

Thanks for the tag, I'll do it tonight!

Bar L. said...

ps, i wonder if it made it easier to ride the bull without a tailbone ?

carolyn said...

Oh man, i laughed so hard at some of these! Thanks for the tag...i'll have to try and think of 6 interesting yet unimportant facts about myself. I don't know how i'll compete with yours, though!