Sunday 6 April 2008

ABC Wednesday - "T"

It's that time of the week to check out the great photographers at Mrs Nesbitt's Place. Here are my "T" pics for this week....

"T" rillium - Ontario's Provincial Flower (check out this history of the flower !)

Maple "T" ree - My favourite tree in Ontario, especially in the fall!

A selection of my mom's "T" ea cups - 50 years ago when my parents got married, it was customary to have "Teacup Showers" for the bride-to-be! Every lady attending the shower would buy a teacup for the bride-to-be. I have always LOVED my mom's assortment of teacups she received for her shower! To this day, I LOVE collecting teacups and LOVE using them for tea parties!

1 comment:

Heather said...

That tree is amazing! It must be old.