Monday 1 March 2010

Only in Canada, eh?!

With the close of the 2010 Winter Olympics, I observed a few things that were typically "Canadian." Here is my list:

Only in Canada...
... with a population of over 35 million people and approximately one quarter of those 35 mill. speaking French as their first language, do we make all Olympic announcements in French first. Come on Canada, the people of the world are going to think we are all fluent in French. They will be disappointed to discover most of us dropped out of French class in our first year of high school. However, they may be suspicious when they heard the CEO of the Winter Games give his closing speech. No offense, but the poor guy slaughtered the french language. Yikes! Don't get me wrong, I like french and I like the french speaking people of this great country. The fact that I persevered through high school french class until I graduated reaped its reward when I travelled to Paris a couple of years ago. I was thrilled I could carry on somewhat decent conversations with the Parisians. However, I think it was ridiculous that they made all the announcements in French first at the Winter Games. What was up with that, eh?!

Only in Canada...
... does a gold medal win of a hockey game between Canada and the U.S. of A. unite a country in a way like no other. Millions of people took to the streets in every major city of this great country screaming, cheering, partying. The excitement was contagious. I was at church last night and watched the game on the sound board screen until overtime. Then, right before the service started someone told us Canada had won and we all went crazy- in church- go figure, eh?! ( By the way, I wore my Canadian colours, gold medal necklace, and Canadian fleece jacket, which was handmade by the Inuit. Patriotic wasn't it eh?!)

Only in Canada...
... does the excitement of the new "Roll up the Rim" contest at Tim Horton's overshadow the close of the Olympics! We need something to help us live through the rest of the cold winter, eh?!

Only in Canada... we get incredibly excited about the thermometer rising to +8C on a glorious, sunny, winter weekend. It's almost sunbathing weather. Imagine that, eh?!

Only in Canada, eh


Ken said...

This is awesome! Made me laugh... =)

swilek said... glad i made you laugh! we live in a strange country!:) did any of your bolivian friends notice the french first, english second at the olympics?