Saturday 27 March 2010

Is this part of my job description?

The following is an excerpt from my Facebook status last Thursday:

"K.W. is wondering if it is in her job description to warn of impending physical doom due to certain wardrobe malfunctions! hehehehe! Nah! I'll let them figure that one out on their own!"

Is anyone curious of the story behind my status?! I felt like some secret agent writing in a secret code so as to not give too many details away in a public place where my co-workers lurk! I wasn't sure how much information I could share on FB but wanted to tell the story here on my own blog.

The person in question was the female student who dropped the "F-bomb" on me here. (Just in case you were wondering, she has settled down and is actually asking for my help again!)

Are there things you know now that you wish you knew back when you were a teenager? Things that would have made your life easier? For me, yes. Would it have made any difference though? I think part of the rite of passage of adolescence is learning things the hard way!

Let me tell you I was so tempted to impart my "wisdom" to my "F-bomb" student on Thursday afternoon when I walked into her class. I noticed she was wearing a tank top that revealed just a bit too much, with very little support! We do have a dress code at school but obviously no one approached her about her inappropriate dress. I'm sure they were dealing with other pressing matters! A thought crossed my mind as I was helping this young girl with her math. Do I dare give her this piece of advice that will MOST definitely be advantageous when she gets to be my age?! She will thank me! I wanted to whisper in her ear, " you need to buy a better bra honey, one that will support you more fully than the what you are barely wearing now. Gravity kicks in at my age and things change forever. There's on turning back. But you can do something about it NOW!" However, I exhibited restraint and bit my tongue. I didn't want her to" give me the finger" again! She will have to learn the hard way, just like me!

At least there are some of my students who appreciate my words of wisdom. One boy in grade 8 told me on Friday, "Miss W., I tell you things I don't even tell my parents or other people." I chuckled to myself because I'm not exactly sure what "things" he is referring to. He hasn't revealed any deep dark secrets to my knowledge! He does however like to go "off on tangents" when he is supposed to be doing his math. On Friday he asked me about drugs! I told him after he completed his math, I would answer a couple of his questions. There is never a dull moment. All part of the job! It truly is a privilege to be part of the team that is equipping these young students for their future endeavours.

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