Saturday 13 March 2010

you've heard of hockey moms, well here we have ... chick moms.

true story. fighting, pushing, shoving, cussing, complaining to the manager. all in an effort to get their child another turn holding the baby chicks. it doesn't matter about rules apparently. only one turn per child is what the rule states. but these parents all think their child is a star and deserves a second turn, even though there is a mile- long -line- up out the door anxiously awaiting to see the baby chicks. this brings up another thought. have we been so affected by "urban sprawl" that we have to rely on a visit to a country store in order to see rural animals?

(sadly, the answer is yes. more and more farms are being sold to developers -or farmers are being forced off their land in order for more highways to be built- who in turn cut down the forests, bulldoze the farms and build big box stores and poorly made homes on prime farming land. we have confused wildlife and a confused eco-system here in southern ontario. but i digress as this was not the point of my blog!)

my friend's daughter, Halle, works at this country store and is one of the "chick" workers. unfortunately, she is also one of the recipients of some of the nasty behaviour of these "baby chick moms." she is a hard worker and is absolutely lovely. she is friendly and polite and is now going crazy because of these crazy moms. thankfully she continues to put into practice the number one rule of customer service, "the customer is always right!" She even continues to smile amidst the verbal abuse bestowed upon her each shift.

my mom and I decided to pay her a visit in order to offer our support. and I must confess, I wanted to see the baby chicks too. oh yes, and I was hoping to see one of those feisty "baby chick moms!"

no such luck. it turned out my mom and I were the only ones visiting the chicks at this time of day. good thing because I may have had a few choice words to say to them. I would have been polite! I have to defend my sweet Halle, who is like a daughter to me. we did enjoy holding the baby chicks ( actually isn't the term" baby chicks" an oxymoron? oh well, I am not going to go back and change a thing)!

lesson learned: beware of the crazy "baby chick moms" out there!

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