Wednesday 18 March 2009

March Break Madness

I miss the dialogue with this grade 3 student(the "you look dazzling" boy):

ME: What are you doing Q for March Break?
Q: Well, Miss Whalen, I'm going to show my Gramma how much fun the mall can be. It didn't work out so well last time.
OR...this exchange just before break...

Q peered up at me with his big brown eyes smiling from behind his horn-rimmed glasses and asked politely,
Miss Whalen, can you help me with this test?
ME: What kind of help would you like Q?
Q: Well Miss Whalen, I would like you to tell me the answers then I can write them down. Oh, but that is cheating isn't it?
Trying hard to conceal my laughter, I said,
Yes Q, that would be cheating.
Q: Okay!

However, I am thoroughly enjoying my March Break away from my students. Here are some of the activities I have been enjoying...

I am house/dog sitting in "the 'shwa"-my birthplace-for friends who are down south (USA) for the break. Here is a view of Lake Ontario from the top of their street. It is a vast lake and on a clear day you can see the other side, which is Rochester, New York, USA!

Chloe sunning on the deck

Me sunning in the salt water hot tub on the deck below!

A shopping trip to a Chinese supermarket...

Noodles and


Buddhist Shrine


Stopping to have my first Bento Box Lunch at this quaint Japanese Restaurant...


Sunday Lunch with the folks at "the 'shwa's" famous Teddy's Restaurant...
so cute:)

"Trafalgar 24: 40 Artists. 10 New Plays. 24 Hours."
"It's Friday the 13th. Do you know where the playwrights are?
...Oh right, we locked them in a haunted castle."
A 24-hour Theatre Creation Festival and Silent Auction in support of The Driftwood Theatre Group.

Do you see the ghost? No, it's not a ghost, it's me - well my shadow!

Lion Entrance

The plays are performed throughout the castle, including the basement:) Here is the main entrance way...

The Chapel...

Is that another ghost I see at the altar?!

The main staircase - ghostly pic?!
For those of you on break this week, enjoy! I hope you come back refreshed. I know I am!

1 comment:

A New Yorker said...

What's a break? LOL. Fun post Karyne.