First though, I was thrilled to be tagged by Girl Found , a wonderfully honest blog from the heart of a beautiful girl who lives with bipolar. The challenge is to list 10 totally honest things about yourself, then pass the award onto 7 other blogs that you think are brilliant and well worth a visit. I figured this would be a good way to get the creativity flowing again! I try to live my life as honest as possible so here goes:
1. I have NEVER eaten a hamburger at McDonald's.
2. I am a recovered shoplifter! The incident occurred when I was 8 years old just after my Saturday morning bowling class. My friend and I were in Boots ( no longer in Canada) and spied a Raggedy Ann greeting card and bubble gum we longed to hold in our possession. We never got caught. Yet, it scared us enough to never shoplift again.
3. Sometimes late at night, usually once a month, I get this intense craving for a bag of chips. So I will get out of my pajamas and drive to my neighbourhood convenience store in order to satisfy my craving. I am worried the sales clerk will be on to my routine so I try switching to different convenience stores in the vicinity!(I'm sure the sales clerk has better things to do than think about my eating habits!!)
4. That brings me to the next honest thing about me: I worry way too much what people think of me - still. I think it is a curse! I have improved significantly over the years however still obviously suffer from this "syndrome!"
5. I fled the scene of a crime. It was the summer of '77. I had been swimming for the day at Camp Samac. Taking a break, I decided to wander the trails alone. (Why I was alone is still a mystery to me...I guess it was the 70's and safe to do so!) When I was crossing the narrow bridge that led back to the swimming pool, a cyclist riding at full throttle down the hill approached the bridge yelling for me to get out of the way. There was a sign posted that prohibited bicycles on the foot bridge. I remember being terribly frightened. I remember the adrenalin surging throughout my body. I clung tightly to the edge and tried with all my might to get out of his way. I remember the mangled mess of metal on the ground. His bike must have nicked my foot as he flew past. I remember seeing him lying on the ground believing he was dead and that I was responsible. I remember my feet moving at lightening speed back to the safety of my friends at the pool. I remember hearing the loud siren of the ambulance. I still wonder if he survived. I never told a soul until now.
6. I love skinny dipping on a cool summer's night.
7. The only time in my life when I have felt completely and utterly free to be me-to be EXACTLY who God created me to be, was on my solo trip to Paris two years ago. It felt AMAZING to have no expectations placed on me, to have no one criticizing or judging me ( even with my attempts to speak French- no criticism by the French people, only gratitude that led to interesting conversations!) to do exactly what I want to do when I want to do it. No outside pressures. I felt so ALIVE. I go back to that place almost everyday! My authentic, God-breathed soul had an outpouring in Paris, a city I came to love!
8. I hate hypocrisy, especially in the church. Even though in God's eyes sin is sin, for me personally I think hypocrisy in the church is the greatest sin. I have little theological proof, however I do know hypocrisy in the church/amongst Christians prevents people from knowing God. And in some cases, Christians walk away from God. Shame on us who claim to be Christians and continually misrepresent God. Alas, there is hope...see my original post below!
9. I have discovered this week that subconsciously I have been doubting God can answer prayer. It reared itself at church as I was singing and helping to lead worship. I know these doubts stem from the seemingly unanswered prayer I have been praying for years. I am angry at God for not granting me the desire of my heart to be married and have a family. I weep silently as it seems it is not part of God's plan ( not yet anyways) for me to have the privilege of having children and raising these precious gifts. In essence, I am grieving. I thought I had dealt with this grief. I haven't put my life on hold that is for sure, but something in this woman's heart, both physiologically and practically/emotionally always desired a family. I know I would make a great mommy! Yes, there are options but I am a traditional kind of gal and want to do it with a husband. ( no pun intended!!:))
10. Every day I live with a family member who is wrestling with a disease that is slowly killing them. And I am not free to share my pain in living through this alongside them due to the stigma attached to this disease. Also, I have to be sensitive to the parties involved as some do read my blog occasionally! Sadly, I don't feel free to even share it with my church community as most just don't understand. All I want is for my church community to pray for us and not judge. My pain is just as real as watching a loved one die of cancer, except I suffer in silence.
There you have it! So now I send out the challenge to my bloggy/robot friends. It was difficult for me to choose 7 because all the blogs I read are fabulous. Some make me laugh, some challenge me spiritually, some challenge me politically, some move me to tears, some offer great practical advice about a myriad of topics such as music and sports. But all offer words of encouragement within this bloggy community. Check out my blogroll. Some blogs I read are not on my blogroll so I will add them a.s.a.p.
*** Here's my original post - parred down!***
"If we claim that we experience a shared life with Jesus and continue to stumble around in the dark, we're obviously lying through our teeth-we're not living what we claim. But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son, purges all our sin. If we claim that we're free of sin, we're only fooling ourselves. On the other hand, if we admit our sins-make a clean breast of them-He won't let us down; He'll be true to Himself. He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. " ( 1 John 17-9, The Message)
Jesus in the window of someones apartment in downtown Oshawa, July 2008!
I don't know about you, but that is one of God's promises I cling to unceasingly. Admit my sin. Receive God's forgiveness. Amazing unconditional love! Freedom.
One final tidbit before I sign off. I received this magazine in the post on Tuesday...
Have a great week everyone!
BRILLIANT darling - you've done yourself proud. And what a journey through your 10 truths!
Your very first truth is true for me, too! I have never eaten anything at or from MccDonalds, or for that matter, American Burger, In & Out Burger, etc., etc.
This was a very interesting list and and I admire your honesty, more than I can say.
I read your article in hatch and enjoyed it very much :)
I had a dream the other day about shari coming into rustle and being surprised that there was a box of the hatch on the communion table. she was surprised because she didn't know another issue was coming out so soon.
Great post Karyne! My heart resonates with yours on many of your 10!!! My heart hurts with yours too! Big hugs from here and I'll be praying!!!
What a great post, Karyne! I admire your ability to be real.
PS I am also a shoplifter (MANY years ago). :)
I would have been here sooner but I didn't see this listed on my sidebar until today. Sowwy!
Karyne, I take "offense" to how you label yourself in your meme. You are not a shoplifter, you did it once as a kid. You learned from that experience and it improved you. Can't you believe god had this in store for you? Same for the bike accident. OMG you poor thing. You were so young. You were scared. Please my dear be at ease with yourself.
@ Nikita..thank you for inspiring my way out of writer's block! yes, it was quite a journey and quite that the right word? I wanted to say lethargic! it is late, I'm tired but wanted to answer my comments as this week will be crazy busy!
@ OOLOTH Very cool we have that in common:):) thank you so much for your kind words and email!! I appreciate more than words can tell!! what do you order at McDonalds? Growing up I just had their fries, but now I will eat their chicken burger. But I rarely go to Mc D's anymore...a good thing, except I miss their diet cokes!
@ aphra thank's fun to be in hatch! i realized i haven't read the mag yet. i got so excited about my article in it i forgot the is my bedtime reading now!Very funny about your dream..did you tell Shave?
@ Carol, thank you my "real friend" in the blog world. For those of you reading, Carol and I know each other in person!!!:)
As I said on FB, I do feel your hugs, empathy and prayers my sweet friend!
@ Lauren...i said the shoplifter thing in jest- with a touch of sarcasm ...that is how i meant it..a bit of humour in a kind of heavy post!It feels good to write it down on paper and let it out!thank you for your encouragement!
hi there! Thanks for sharing your honesty with us. Wow, it was very moving and inspiring. Thanks for visiting me again as well. I appreciate it. You always have such thoughtful things over here in your chronicles. I loved your portrayals of some of the people you drove/help a while back. hope you had a wonderful easter. all the best!
Karyne...i loved reading your list. I could feel the fear you must've felt during that bike encounter. And i can feel the pain in your desire to have a family and children. I know your life is full and busy....and by no means have you stopped to wait....and good for you to fill your life with experiences and adventures....with connections where you can pour your love and your heart onto others. But, i can fully understand that there is a part of you which yearns.
i'm sorry i havent been around much at all....thought of you during Easter and sent a wish over the airwaves. Have been a little scattered myself and havent been commenting regularly anywhere.
Hope our spring sun is kissing your forehead...hope that there will be a chance for us to meet up in the coming months.
ps. family secrets and struggles are difficult when there is no outlet for understanding. You're not alone though.....God is there, as well as many others who have the same issues they are dealing with ;)
@ sealaura...thank you. i appreciate your positive comments! i have been reading your blog even though i haven't been commenting, although i haven't been on my bloglines reader in ages so have loads of catching up to do!
@ Awareness Once again I thank you for your kind, thoughtful and "dead on" words of encouragement. I do feel the sun kissing my forehead-finally! I have missed being around and will hopefully get caught up this weekend of everyone's happenings. Although I am finding many of my favourite bloggers are calling it quits..that makes me sad. How is life for you these days? Any more news on the job situation? I hope you are able to keep trusting God in this uncertain time. How was your Easter?
Take care and thank you for understanding, esp. about family secrets!It is comforting!
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