Sunday 8 March 2009

Lessons from the Quester

***PREFACE I never know how my story will end when I begin penning my thoughts. I was going to go in a totally different direction when I sat down today to write. But, the following story is what came out of me. I feel scripture speaks for itself and decided I didn’t need to say anything. I have been reading through Ecclesiastes in my prayer times. These are the verses that spoke to my heart. In an odd way, I am left speechless, letting the words of God soak into my being, so I know how to let them ooze out. Futility/mortality, the theme of Ecclesiastes, has been on my mind as of late, for many reasons. Thus, my desire to read the wisdom from the Quester. Ecclesiastes sweeps our souls clean so we can give our full attention to God revealed in Jesus Christ. It is a cleansing, a call to repentance. And once the cleansing is complete, we are ready for reality-for God. I once read somewhere that in order to fully appreciate life, we must begin with death. ( this is my paraphrase from I think, the Dali Lama! If anyone knows the exact quote please let me know!)
I fear death. More specifically, I fear my parent’s death, not my own. I have no idea why. I have a secure faith. I know I will see them again one day in heaven. I think the real issue is that I fear being left alone. I am afraid no one will look after me in my old age. Which sounds absurd because I have this wonderful community of friends and extended family whom I know will look out for me. I know God is my provider, loves me and will take care of my needs. Sigh. I need to face the fear and let it go. Look at me, I’m not speechless anymore am I?! Without further adieu, let the words of scripture be medicine to your soul. And enjoy the story at the end. It came out of me too. I was planning on ending the post before “ Honourable mention…” I love where this writing journey takes me! ***

Ecclesiastes Greek word translated as ‘the preacher’ or ‘the teacher’

“People come into this world with nothing, and when they die they leave with nothing. In spite of all their hard work, they leave just as they came.”
Ecclesiastes 5:15

I looked at what I had done, and I thought about all the hard work. Suddenly I realized it was useless, like chasing the wind. There is nothing to gain from anything we do here on earth.”
Ecclesiastes 2:11

“Still, anyone selected out for life has hope…the living at least know something, even if it’s only that they’re going to die…SEIZE LIFE! Eat bread with gusto, drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes-God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Don’t skimp on colours and scarves [written just for me]! Each day is God’s gift. It’s all you get in exchange for the hard work of staying alive.”
Ecclesiastes 9

Be generous: Invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns. Don’t hoard your goods; spread them around. Be a blessing to others. This could be your last night…don’t stare at the clouds, get on with your life. Just as you’ll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, so you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does…Take delight in each light-filled hour, remembering that there will also be many dark days…”
Ecclesiastes 10

“Honour and enjoy your Creator while you’re still young, before the years take their toll and your vigor wanes…In old age, your body no longer serves you so well…yes, you’re well on your way to eternal rest, while your friends make plans for your funeral. Life, lovely while it lasts, is soon over.

Life as we know it, precious and beautiful, ends. The body is put back in the same ground it came from. The spirit returns to God, who first breathed it…

The last and final word is this:

Do what He tells you.

And that’s it. Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it’s good or evil.”
Ecclesiastes 12

Today, I remember those special ones in my life who made their mark here on earth, who seized life, who feared and obeyed God, but now have returned to the Breath of Life.

Honourable mention goes out to a dear soul, Doug Churchill, who knew me since my birth. In fact, we were distantly related- a fellow Newfoundlander. Doug was ushered into the arms of Jesus on Friday. There are many fond memories I could share about Doug but the one that stands out is this:

***WARNING - eyes may roll, lips may smile, cheeks may blush, brains may even wonder why on earth I would choose this memory to pen in blogland. I was on the threshold of a new stage in my life. Doug was part of it whether he liked it or not. He was supportive in a quiet way. He was non -judgemental and didn’t ask questions. He showed sensitivity in my hour of need. I was grateful. I’m not sure what Doug would think of me penning this particular memory, but I wanted to honour the joke-ster in him today! ***

The year was 1983. It was a hot & humid summer day, the kind where the sweat rolls off you incessantly. Not a cloud in sight, just an expanse of baby blue sky. I, along with my mom and dad, were in the backseat of Doug’s HUGE car. (I forget the model but know it had to be a General Motors product!) We were on our way up to Doug and his wife Leila’s cottage on Balsam Lake for the day. It happened to be the day when I “ became a woman,” if you catch my drift! I was a late bloomer so was ecstatic my period FINALLY arrived. That was until the intense pain took control of my body! What was happening to me. I didn’t like being a woman anymore. I had to have Doug stop at every gas station along the route so I could use the facilities. Knowing how most men like to travel – no stops- I appreciate Doug’s willingness to accommodate this poor teenage girl in pain. I was initially embarrassed. But, the embarrassment was long forgotten with the reality of pain. We eventually made it to the cottage. I don’t actually remember the rest of the day, but do know I always had a wonderful time in both summer and winter up at the lake. So, I assume that day was no exception. Every month, even to this day, I have a flashback to that eventful roadtrip!
Seize life!

**all scripture from The Message**
**photos: 1) newborn baby, 1day old, July 2008, Northern Ireland
2) Amish cemetery, August 2007, Lancaster, PA, USA ***

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