Saturday 4 October 2008

Still...Who will be our next Prime Minister of Canada?

I am still undecided and frustrated. I have no idea who I will vote for on October 14. I am still not impressed by any of our four major political leaders and their platforms. I wish we could pick and choose. Our great(said with a touch of sarcasm) debate involving the four major political parties occured the same night as the US vice presidential debate. I was bored and was soooo tempted to flip channels to hear our US counterparts hash it out. But, I resisted the temptation as I wanted to support our candidates. Yesterday, the day after the debate, I was reading the news on the BBC (UK) and there was no mention of our Canadian debate, even though we are part of the Commonwealth. Of course the US debate was covered. I'm not sure if you remember a few weeks ago I mentioned on my blog our elections have to be one of the quietest campaigns around. Not even our leader in the Commonwealth deems it important to even mention on their news channels.

Our local paper has been interviewing our local candidates discussing the key issues during this campaign. This morning as I read their plan for the economy, I was mortified. Only the Conservative candidate shared his specific plan, which didn't sound great. The rest had nothing to say except criticism for the other party platforms. I am finding this to be a tough election. On Monday, our school is hosting the local Liberal candidate so we will see what he has to say.

Enough politics for today. I am off to shop in the great city of Toronto - a cure for my frustration:)


A New Yorker said...

I love and appreciate your HONESTY. There's no bloodbath with you. I get a chance to understand what is happening with openness. SO refreshing. Thank you!!!

carolyn said...

I don't enjoy politics, and i'm embarrassed to say how ill-informed i am. Kudos to you for at least reading up on the issues!

Aphra said...

Yay shopping! I would vote for you to be president. Oops, I mean prime minister. lol.

Anonymous said...

You have all this angst because you're from the east. If you were from the west it would be much easier. At a national level we would never vote for the NDP (although at a provincial level that's more debatable)...mostly because their leader guy wears fancy clothes and thinks he's smarter than the rest of us.

We would pull out all our fingernails before we would vote Liberal.

The Green Party?

That only leaves the Conservatives... I actually mostly like Stephen. I don't agree with everything he says/does mind you. But we're from the same church, so...

That was supposed to be funny by the way. =) least you get to vote. I just stand by the way and look wistful.

Anonymous said...

I will be voting for the lesser of two evils and placing my bets on the Liberals. sadly we may end up with a right wing americanized government if more people don't think this way. Harper will do anything to please the American right and it is very scary! Especially since Amercians haven't the first clue about our country and what it does or doesn't need. Some tools still believe that we are socialists! The rest think that we are just the USAs little sister. I think its time to cut ties and show that we are unique! Unfortunately I dont know if ANY of the candidates are prepared for this : (

swilek said... best we are proud easterners:):)I felt discrimnated against when I lived in Alberta just because I was from the east:):) Seriously, Harper is from your church? Where? Do you get to vote Oct 14 via proxy?

swilek said...

aphra..thanks for your vote:)