Tuesday 7 October 2008

Economic Uncertainity and God


Fear has gripped me tightly, trying to intertwine its way into the deep crevices of my being.

Economic uncertainty is the talk of the town as of late and is the culprit contributing to my fears. Never before have I been so worried about my future. Sadly, there is no sense of job security anymore in my generation. I realize I am now at an age where it would be difficult to find a job if I lose the one I have now. This scares me, especially as a single person. It would be nice to have a partner to share the financial burden with!

I haven't heard rumblings yet of layoffs in my place of employment but you just never know. Tonight at choir practice, a choir member shared how many of her co-workers at a prominent Canadian bank today were told, without warning, they were no longer needed as their jobs were being outsourced tomorrow. I don't think I'm as prepared as I should be if something like that should happen to me tomorrow.

I am not the best visionary. I am one that lives life to the fullest daily - well most days!! It's like I forget there is a tomorrow! I have made some good financial steps but is it enough? Could I lose it all? Should I have a plan B just in case I should lose my job? What would that plan B be? The economic situation in the US IS affecting us here in Canada. Our Prime Minister doesn't seem too worried and doesn't think we will hit a recession. Our Canadian economists disagree. These are uncertain times.

Not only am I NOT the best visionary, I don't seem to have the best memory lately. How could I forget that God is IN CONTROL. How could I forget that in these uncertain, constantly changing times, God NEVER CHANGES. How could I forget that God is OUR PROVIDER. How could I forget to trust Him.

I am a witness to His provision. I am a witness to His faithfulness.

How could I forget to allow Him to take care of this fear trying to suffocate me.

Tonight at choir, I was thankful for our Director's words of encouragement which reminded me once again to remember... GOD NEVER CHANGES. GOD IS OUR PROVIDER. TRUST HIM. REST IN HIM. STOP WORRYING.

When I came home, I pulled out my Bible and found comfort in the Psalms...

" Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall...I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed...I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. God sends his love and his faithfulness...his faithfulness reaches to the skies...O my Strangth, you O God are my fortress, my loving God. God will go before me...God is our refuge and strength, our shield and protector...my refuge in times of trouble."

Then I was led to this passage in Matthew 6,

" Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food and the body more important than clothes? ...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?...So, do no worry, saying, 'what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or what shall we wear? ' People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about iself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ( both from the NIV, and The Message translations)

No need to fear! God is in control, even when life seems hopeless, uncertain, and doesn't seem to make sense. I will cling to these truths.

It's late and I need to get to bed. I feel I am not making any sense right now. (and no I have not been drinking!) Maybe I will edit this post tomorrow. I need my beauty rest as I have another opportunity to be spontaneous. My TIFF buddy San called me just now wondering if I want to go to the Alanis Morrisette concert tomorrow night at Massey Hall in Toronto. Her sis-in-law cancelled so she has an extra ticket. Ya'll know me by now that I'm always up for an adventure! So it will be another late night tomorrow but soooo worth it. It's our Thanksgiving long weekend coming up so I can catch up on my needed sleep then! I will try to take some pics at the concert and post them here soon! My internet has been going wanky too so haven't been able to blog as much as I want. Good night one and all!


A New Yorker said...

It's a good post. Don't take it down!

When you say that you don't plan...let me tell you something girlfriend, your way of living has prepared you more for situations like this then the ones at the bank. THEY are the planners and look where they are and now they are freaking out.

YOU take each day -- one day at a time. You don't define yourself by your job and so with these two things, should a job go away you won't crumble as most will because they do not have nearly as strong a core as you do!

You keep being you, you hear me!?

Karin said...

Great post! Don't change a thing. I popped over here via Evi's blog. God blessed you with a great attitude and HE will keep you in HIS care.

Nestor Family said...

I was going to find some scripture to reassure you... but have the goodies here already! There are reminders EVERYWHERE in the Bible to NOT WORRY and NOT FEAR!

Excellent post! *HUG* for you and enjoy your concert adventure and Happy Thanksgiving ('cuz I know you will have much to be thankful for... we all do living on this continent, don't we?)

Anonymous said...

Good post! AS Lauren said I doubt that you have anything to worry about. People with a strong entrepreneurial sense about them always land on their feet. Though when the US farts Canada still smells we don't have too much to worry about up here in the great white north unless we have Harper in full control here and McCain to the South running things. Then I would begin to get a tad concerned. Not even?! The next month will be pivotal for North Americas economy. Lets all keep our fingers crossed and remember that at worst we can all join communes!!!

Anonymous said...

Meh...the future...my retirement plan is to be a missionary until I die. I really have no other choice. Good thing living here is cheap. =)

Seriously though...I've learned something living down here. As North Americans, we worry too much about the future. I'm not saying we shouldn't plan, but I think it can became an unhealthy focus too easily. When has God not provided for us? Maybe we don't always get everything that we want...but we get everything we need. I know that sounds kind of cliche-ish, but it's true. I see it nearly every day.

So...don't worry too much. You can always head off to some crazy part of the world and be a missionary. Ha.

swilek said...

@ lauren..thank you for your words of encouragement...i will keep being me ...a good reminder, thank you! we are strong women..actually alanis's theme at her concert was about the power of women...so your words are timely!

@karin..thank you and welcome!

@ Heidi..thank you sweetie...you can send more scripture if you like! I am reading your blog but haven't been commenting on anyone's but hopefully am caught up now!

@ cupid reviews..thank you too for your kind words..i think we are all going to be okay...not the best time to be coming into power for the us or canada:)

@ ken...thanks Ken for your wise words too...i never really worried when i was a missionary with yfc so don't know what gives now:) it is so easy to become emersed in all this talk when you are surrounded by it daily at work...i have to continue to keep my perspective and keep focused on Jesus and maybe take a wee trip to south america to gain a clearer perspective:)

Anonymous said...

A wee trip to South America would be excellent! =)