Thursday 23 October 2008

Drawing Lesson at Starbucks

("The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to Be The Artist You Truly Are" picture courtesy of

Over a year ago, I purchased this book at Chapters. The title intrigued me. However, I tucked it away in my spare closet - my car trunk- and only discovered it again one month ago! I immediately pulled it out of the trunk determined to begin this journey into learning how to draw. So, yesterday, armed with my pen, notebook, pumpkin spice soy latte and the book, I found a quiet table at Starbucks.

I felt exhilarated as I began reading the opening pages of this incredible book. My first assignment:

Draw, without erasing, a:

1) Mug
2) Chair
3) Table
4) Person

Okay, at this point, I was feeling a bit self-conscious as I didn't want the couple sitting beside me to think I was a crazy stalker staring down objects and persons in Starbucks. I was trying to focus but got a bit distracted eavesdropping in on their conversation. They were both young, freshly graduated, university students reconnecting their friendship after a few years apart. I must admit I had a secret crush on the guy-he was BEAUTIFUL - and I so desperately wanted to draw his portrait. Not possible. We were too close in proximity.

Quickly, I re-focused and got to work. I LOVED the process and the end results! I know this journey into rekindling and harvesting that creative spirit within me will be gratifying!


Meaghan said...

If you like coffee you need to get in on my Giveaway! To celebrate the launching of my online coffee shop, Get The Bean,I am giving away 1 pound of coffee (or chai or herbal tea if you prefer) every Friday in October. To enter visit:

If you are interested in a chance to get money for the cancer charity of your choice for an entire year go to:

Or just visit our site:

A New Yorker said...

Shall we be seeing a picture of yours soon?

Nestor Family said...

How exciting! I may have to check this book out... the method you mention here sounds intriguing. I have struggled lately when I have sat down to just draw. This may offern a fresh approach!

Can't wait to see if you post anything!

awareness said...

Karyne....I love your chutzpah! I would also love to watch you in Starbucks secretly sketching the portrait of the beautiful male species too!

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the market taking photos. For the past year or so, I've been taking pics of this vendor....well, her legs actually because they are always so colourfully adorned with leggings etc. I have secretly been accumulating the photos and want to put together a montage...the idea is expanding in my head because of the onslaught of wonderfully colourful rainboots that everyone has...

anyways...i am sane.....though my daughter won't stay with me when we go to the market because i embarrass her! hahaha!

So, two weeks ago, the vendor approach me and told me she has noticed my antics. I explained a bit to her....and told her I have posted some of the pics on my blog. She read my blog this week and loved the pics she found. Later today, i plan to post a bunch of the photos so she can see them together.

Creativity is most definately life enhancing.


swilek said...

@ Heidi...I am lovin' the book so far...I'd loan it to you when I am done, but ...distance!!:)Keep on sketching!!

@ Lauren, I posted them for you!!!

@ Awareness...a cool market story you have...glad you were able to chat with the it will make your pics more personal! Can't wait to see that montage...I love the colour of her tights..wonder where she gets them!