Thursday 15 January 2009

In sickness and in health...

Did I sign up for this? It's the least I can do, right? After all, she endured 9 months of pregnancy with me , labour and delivery - although, apparently it was quick and easy and apparently not much pain at all, the pre-teen and teen years, the college years, the adult years, 41 wonderful years in all!

Little did my mom know that her and my father's hard-earned money toward my higher education in Nursing school, even though I changed careers, would come in handy one day!

Tonight, I had to give an
enema ( ignore the second half of this needed the remedy for constipation not the other!) to my mother for the third time! Did I sign up for this? You bet! It really wasn't all that bad. I'm just not used to all the talk about the function or lack thereof of her bowels. Mom and her friends swap bowel stories with each other - even in public. They don't even "bat their eyes." Will my friends and I turn into our mothers?!


A New Yorker said...

Oh no no no. That's just too much. And you know what I do for a living!

BTW my word verification is: outed

Anonymous said...

Hi Karyne

I thought it was high time I skedaddled over here for a visit.

It's hard to know whether I would be capable of doing such a thing to anyone, never mind my own mother, but it's amazing what we can talk ourselves into when we have to.

Bowel movements always seem to come up at family dinners for some reason :)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL....YES! You will....! It is inevitable because at some point much of one's life begins to be taken up with these bodily functions---you know? I mean, as we age, things! And sharing some of this with your friends of "a certain age" is helpful as all get out!

Thanks for your visit and your kind words, too...I appreciate what you said, more than I can say....!

swilek said...

@ Lauren..that is hilarious and fitting for this post

@ Romany thanks for stopping by..sorry it had to be a post about bm's though!!:) yes, this topic seems to begin at birth and end at death !! and cause fits of laughter with little boys in between!

@ OOLOTHills thanks for stopping by are welcome! I guess that is what friends are for, eh?!!