Sunday 20 January 2008

The urge to play in the snow tonight - Am I crazy? It feels like -25 C out there!

At 7pm tonight, it was -13C but with the windchill, it felt like -25C. I decided to get a headstart on clearing off my car so I wouldn't have a ton of snow to clear in the morning before work. I bundled up and ventured outside. After cleaning my car, I decided to stay out and play in the snow!!:) It was so beautiful -- calm, quiet with only the sound of crunching snow under my feet. I LOVE that sound!! It was a peaceful evening and I wanted to enjoy the moment.

The moment didn't last long due to the intense cold but I was able to capture some of it on camera!

Enjoy along with me!

The snow was blinding and stinging my eyes as I attempted to take a self portrait!

I thought this was a cool shot of the tree shadow on the freshly fallen snow!

Here is my "clean" car!! Three minutes before it was lovely and clean!!!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Brrr! It sure is cold! Thankfully we didn't get much snow so hopefully you won't be out in it long this morning clearing your car. Now...wonder if I'll get to work before my car begins to warm up? A distinct possibility today!

Keep warm...and have fun in the snow!