Tuesday 29 January 2008

Shooting and Murder

As I drove to work yesterday morning, the news reported that a shooting had occurred just down the street from the school where I work. Apparently one person was wounded and one was shot dead. A sick feeling came over me as I wondered if any of our students would be affected by this tragedy. Curiosity got the better of me so I took a minor detour towards the crime scene. Life in the neighbourhood looked normal except for some yellow police tape and two cop cars patrolling the house. I was a bit surprised. No journalists, no forensic teams, just two cops drinking their Tim Horton's coffee.

I recited my daily verse, "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." What would this Monday bring. This was the second murder in the neighbourhood in less than a week. Would there be tears? Frightened children? Would our day be spent counselling grief stricken children?

Life was normal at school that day. No tears, no counselling sessions, no fear, only apathy.

The shooting victim was an uncle of a girl in one of my classes. All she said to her teacher was, "I'm sorry I couldn't study for my test, but my uncle got shot last night."


As I said in my blog last week,

"How do we protect these children. How sad to think this is the world we are passing on to our precious children. This is too big of a weight for them to shoulder. "


"This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."


Bar L. said...

Wow, I can't imagine this. Its very sad that something so tragic can cause so little reaction.

Thanks for visiting my blog, any friend of Aphra's is a friend of mine!

swilek said...

yes it is tragic and so young...nothing has been written in the paper but it turns out a friend plays hockey with the mother of the boy murdered...it was apparently drug related..very unfortunate.