Saturday 19 January 2008

Maps, maps and more maps...

I LOVE maps. I don't recall the specific moment I became fascinated with maps. However, I do remember one significant event that changed my life forever.

An ENORMOUS, hard cover edition of the "National Geographic Atlas of the World" was delivered to our door. I could not open it fast enough. I remember lugging it to my room and placing it carefully on my floor. A huge grin filled my countenance as I leafed through the pages of this beautiful book. Over the course of the next few years, I would study in detail the maps that filled these pages! I would dream endlessly about visiting some of the exotic countries and cities one day! I would refer to it when I had many Social Studies/Geography projects to complete. Sadly, I don't know where this atlas ended up, but its memory still lives on in my mind!

Linked to my love of maps is my love of travelling. I am grateful to my parents for the many travel adventures they gave their children. I fondly remember many crazy and long road trips exploring Canada and the US; camping adventures; and travelling abroad to Great Britain- the home of my ancestors. Without fail, I would pour over the road maps to see the places we were travelling to, how to get there and what wee towns, roads and interesting sights were nearby.

I carried on the tradition of travel myself and have been so fortunate to explore those" National Geographic exotic countries and cities" I had dreamed of travelling to one day. I can't believe some of the experiences I have had travelling! I feel so blessed. ( maybe I will have to write about some of my travel adventures in another blog entry- especially I must write about the time I met an angel on a train in Italy!!:))

Alice Steinbach's book, "Without Reservations: The Travels of an Independent Woman" has played a significant role in my travels as of late. She is so inspiring and helped me take my travel adventures to the next level: observing, immersing myself fully in the culture, listening, smelling, being confident and creative, taking everything in, breathing, truly relaxing, bravely exploring, meaningful conversation with strangers, reflecting on lessons learned. One such lesson: " how to stop rushing from place to place, always looking ahead to the next thing while the moment in front of me slipped away unnoticed." (p.13)
Also, she inspired me to try something fun that helps to recapture and preserve the memory of those travel adventures: sending postcards home to myself from the places I have visited. With much anticipation, I await for the card in the mail that allows me to relive and reflect on my travel journey.

I look forward to many more crazy road trips and journeys to far away places before I die.


Maybe one day I'll unearth that precious National Geographic Atlas somewhere in my parent's attic! What a wonderful gift that would be!

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