Aging is something that has been on my mind lately, mostly because I am nearing middle age and also my parents and our life -long family friends are nearing the end of their life. I loved the fact that this couple on the beach were taking time to enjoy their retirement years. They were taking the time to sit in quietness and enjoy the beauty of this earth and the beauty of each other. They looked content. They looked happy. They looked relaxed and calm. They were enjoying the moment.
I was saddened last week when I had a conversation with one of my parent's friends, who is at the beginning stages of alzheimer's. As I drove home, I started to weep thinking about this man and how his life is changing. It makes me sad to think I am at this stage in my life where I am losing those family friends who have been part of my life forever. I know that is the circle of life, but it is a difficult time of transition because I still feel like that little girl who was in awe of these precious friends. These life long friends were the strong ones, the ones who paved the way for us, the ones who believed in us and spurred us on. They were the ones who knew us at every awkward stage in our life and loved us through them!!! They were the prayer warriors and ones whose strong faith in Jesus guided them through their "adventurous" journey.
I am struck with the thought that I have to continue the legacy and pass on the torch to those who come behind me. Although I am not married, I feel I have a responsibility to my neices, nephews, god-daughter, and my many other "adopted" children to be the life long, faith-filled, prayer warrior, fun friend I was so fortunate to have surround me on my journey. I am striving to live everyday of my life as an new adventure ready to be explored. There are no guarantees in this life. I don't know when God will call me home. I may not have tomorrow. So, as I near "middle age", I want to be like that Cape Cod couple on the beach and make sure I enjoy every moment God gives me. Breathe. Relax. Soak in. Live.
Hey, Hey, Special K!
This post was so thought-provoking and heartwarming... thanks for writing it... I've had these same thoughts for years 'cuz I'm way more ancient than you!
Keep on blogging... loved your picture of S's hair and your song about her!
Hugs, Maryne
Thanks Mare!!! Keep reading my friend!!! Love, Krazy Karyne
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