I thought I had died and gone to heaven today! A handful of tall, handsome firefighters showed up at my parents senior's condo shortly after I had arrived!! (What is it about men in uniform!!!:)) We heard the fire trucks stop outside the building, but weren't too concerned as we thought it was just a medical call. But, I had smelled smoke in the corridor earlier and thought it was just the aroma coming from the chimneys of the nearby homes. Incidently, we were wrong and there was an actual fire outside on the patio. The fire inspector suspects young people set the fire on purpose. As fun and exciting this little adventure was, I realized things could have been far worse. The fire was set near a gas barbeque , which was under the roof of the apartment. building. It saddens me to think that the young people who purposely set this fire thought this prank was a funny thing to do. I realize the majority of young people don't think of the consequences ( after all I used to be a teenager not that long ago!!!) and just want to have some fun. But, I wish they would come up with alternative pranks that won't endanger the lives of innocent people, especially senior citizens. I am grateful that we were spared and am grateful for the fire fighters who saved the day!!! My heartfelt thanks goes out to all the firefighters who risk their lives daily to protect us from danger!!
Yup! There's nothing like a man in a uniform!
I'm a firewarden at work and you can imagine my disappointment when at our last training session in walked Michelle as our trainer. What's up with that? LOL!
Glad to hear no damage was done.
Welcome to the world of blogging! Warning....easily becomes waaay too addictive! :o)
Great to hear from you Catherine...I haven't had a chance to look at your blog yet but am planning to today....I am having a hard time posting my pic in my profile...ican't find the correct url...so you know how i find out what the url of the photo is?...will talk to you soon!!! Karyne
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