Saturday 23 October 2010


best friends together again offering free love

HOME: "a place of refuge, 'in the bosom,' warm closeness, a state of enclosing intimacy."

Have you ever been enjoying a moment where everything is fitting together perfectly and you suspect you are part of something bigger than yourself (I call those "God-moments!"), part of an unfolding story where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you will be a piece of the conclusion, a moment where words are incapable of explaining that which is taking place in your soul and externally around you?

I had the privilege of experiencing a "God-moment" a few weekends ago at my dear friends' home. My other dear friend Shave and I dropped in unexpectedly to the Dallas home on that sunny Saturday afternoon. Shave was in town and wanted a visit with us together.

The Dallas home is beyond welcoming! There is always the smell of fresh baking permeating the air. The kids always greet me with a hug and a kiss and a "I love you Aunt Skin!"("Aunt Skin" is my nickname given by their mom a long time ago! I can't believe it has stuck and been passed down to the next generation!) There is always laughter. The Dallas home is always busy yet intimate. The patriarch and matriarch of the home, Darryl and Lisa, have a gift of hospitality. Immediately, they make you feel comfortable and at home. Free love is all around. The Dallas home is a place where one can totally be themselves. It is home. It is a "place of refuge, in the bosom, warm closeness, a state of enclosing intimacy."

What Shave and I didn't know was the Dallas' were expecting company later that afternoon. But they didn't care we were there. In fact, they wanted us to stay. So, we stayed! It was definitely meant to be. We helped with the food preparation and the setting of the table. My soul was filled and happy even in doing these mundane chores!

Instantly, when the guests arrived, Shave and I felt a connection with these strangers. The kitchen of the Dallas home is the heart of their home so as we, strangers and friends, stood together in this space, something special began to form. It is difficult for me to put into words, yet I somehow want to capture this moment so I won't forget. filter...laughter...tears...peace....singing...harmonies...dancing to Wii...amazing food...listening...honesty...coming alongside and helping one of the strangers on their journey of faith...silly talk...comfort...comfortable...sounds of children more love...

I am incredibly grateful to be part of this stranger's story. I am incredibly grateful for the gift of friendship. My soul is once again energized. I am at home.

home: "a place of refuge, 'in the bosom,' warm closeness, a state of enclosing intimacy."


OldLady Of The Hills said...

It sounds PERFECT! And I understand exact;y what you are talking about. There is nothing like that feeling of "HOME" as best described by those words in your post....What a true Blessing, to have friendships like this---a true feeling of family, too.

swilek said...

And I know that you experience this with your "ladies who lunch!"