Sunday 14 December 2008

'Tis the Season...

I love Christmas. I love the hustle and bustle this season produces. I love the excitement in the air. I love the colourful and bright decorations adorning my community and surrounding areas. I love that I still get to believe in Santa ( wink, wink;) ). I love shopping for Christmas gifts in the crowded shopping malls - really! ( though, now as I'm older, I can only stay in the mall for a short time!) I love that we have not completely forgotten the true meaning of Christmas: celebrating Jesus birth. I love that we spend time with friends and family, eating turkey and all the trimmings and Christmas pudding, drinking egg nog and playing board games! AND I love the various festivities that take place during the holiday season. Here are some of the celebrations I have been participating in...I have always wanted to take voice lessons, so I took the plunge in September and signed up! I have an incredibly talented and gifted teacher, Gayla. Her patience and confidence in me has motivated me to continue and I just might take my first voice exam in the spring! We had our Christmas recital yesterday. My, how memories flooded back to me of my childhood when I took piano lessons and participated in many recitals!

I had a good laugh at my first ever voice recital. I was the oldest participant! My competition was 5 year old piano and voice prodigies!!! My parents were even in attendance supporting me, just like the 5 year olds!! I was chuckling inside as I sat in the audience waiting for my time in the spotlight! Imagine the scene with me! Here are some visuals to help you...

Four year old Davis....
Six year old Sarah....Five year old Daniel ( who chatted with us prior to the recital...he was a cutie who took a liking to my parents and I!!)...Forty-one year old Karyne singing "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire)...Believe it or not, I was actually very nervous. I am naturally an alto, however, Gayla is trying to expand my range, thus the song she chose for me was VERY high! I made it through, with Gayla's amazing accompaniment! We were instructed to bow or curtsy after our performance, so here my mom tried to get a pic of me curtsying!My voice teacher, Gayla, and I...My supportive parents with Gayla and I!
I am grateful my parents love me and care enough about me to attend my voice recital! It was a fun afternoon.Christmas is a time for giving and a time for receiving. I love the generosity brought out in people during this time of year. I wanted to share these pics of a pillow my friend "Maryne" bought me a while ago. She knows I collect Centennial paraphernalia. I was born in 1967, which happened to be Canada's 100th birthday: "Centennial Year." The actual day Canada became a nation was July 1, 1867. In honour of being a Centennial baby, I was given a silver spoon, silver cup, and a special certificate from our Mayor. Over the years, I have collected other Centennial objects. I think my favourite is this pillow. Why? Can you see the mistakes on the velvet pillow? No? Let me share...

First, I believe each triangle in the Centennial emblem is suppose to represent a province in Canada. I didn't know Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Montreal, Gaspe were provinces in Canada!! To see the correct provinces and territories of Canada, go here.
Second, check out the spelling of Ottawa and Gaspe...Ottawa is missing a "t" and Gaspe is missing the accent over the "e." I am not able to type it either on this English keyboard!

I'm not sure where the pillow was made but obviously no one checked the final production!

"For unto us a child is given..."
Another celebration I am taking part in this weekend is my church choir's Christmas program. We have four performances over the weekend..two left, both today, one at 3:30pm and the last one at 6:30pm. We have worked hard all year to put this together and are a bit weary! It is a wonderful program celebrating our Saviour's birth. It always amazes me we never tire of the age-old story!

In the midst of all these festivities, I continue to work for the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign...Here I am at the LCBO. The customers are soooo generous. It is lovely to chat with them and hear stories of how they were helped as children through this very Kettle Campaign. I am thankful for churches like the Salvation Army who reach out to their community in this way!Here is the view from where I am standing. It was a lovely sunset that night.

What is Christmas without a "Gingersnap Soy Latte!"

Here are the cards we hand out to customers who donate....

The modern day version of the "Christmas Kettle..."

Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and happy new year!


Catherine said...

Way to go Karyne!! Singing solo...yippee!

A New Yorker said...

So when do we get to hear you sing?

Nestor Family said...

You are an incredible woman, Karyne! So brave and inspiring! I am glad and happy for you on your successful recital!

Anonymous said...

where would the plight of so many be without the salvation army? it might be an old name but their contribution to the holistic betterment of society takes my breath away

swilek said...

@ Thanks Catherine:)
@ Lauren..apparently our friends, who had daughters play at the recital, videotapes me singing and will send it to me! I must edit it first to see if it is worthy to put on my blog!!
@ Heidi..thanks very are too kind!
@ true Paul...they never turn anyone away, well not in our community! I never thought about the name...I guess it is "old"..they still carry on the tradition of army rankings for their pastors!