Saturday 17 October 2009

I'm Baaacccckkkkk!!

My soul has been longing to write again. I have needed the creative release, the therapy. For the last 6 weeks I was house sitting for dear friends. It was wonderful to enjoy life in the country. However, I greatly missed the access to the Internet! Sad I know but I have missed my bloggy friends! Now I feel a wee bit overwhelmed trying to catch up on my reading and commenting!

I have also been busy dealing with sick, aging parents and their health scares. In addition, I badly sprained my ankle while out in the country so was incapacitated for a while. It has taken an emotional toll on me. In fact this morning I had a wee breakdown. I am one that tends to keep things bottled up inside. I know, not a the best solution! Usually, exercise helps but I have been restricted with my ankle. So, I released it all today and had a good cry. Unfortunately, my father was around so I lashed out at him. He is under the same stress. We hugged. I said sorry. Forgiveness is freeing. Broken Hallelujahs are what I am offering once again at this moment in my life. It's all I have. We are just trying to make it through this mind-less cycle again until it passes. It will.

So there you have it. I will be back soon to blog about an adventure I had on my birthday! I must go now to my voice lessons. Oh, one more thing....

I should mention that I am LOVING my new school year! I am working with awesome students this year so work is not stressful at all! YEAH!!!

Enjoy your day...

"I awake in the name of the Father who made me.
I arise in the name of the Son who died to save me.
I rise to greet the dawn in the name of the Spirit who fills me with life."

~A Celtic Morning Prayer~


Aphra said...

I've missed you!!!!

I have a new job and it's super stressful and crazy but good and stable and we'll see how it goes!

Carol said...

Hi Karyne!
So glad you're back to bloggy land! A good cry is such a great release! Glad you could! LOVED that morning prayer! Praise God that His mercies are never every morning!

Love you lots!

Big hugs,

p.s. we came back into the church looking for you this morning to take you to lunch. we couldn't find you! Bummer! Another time!

Ken said...

Good to have you back Karyne! I was wondering what happened... =) I'll be praying for you.

swilek said...

@ Aphra..thanks!! can't wait to hear about your new job!
@ carol..bummer too oh well next time!!! isn't it a great morning prayer...there is an evening prayer too..i have them posted on my bedroom mirror to read everyday! it's from a calvin miller book i bought at that worship conference last october in cambridge!thanks for the hugs!

@thanks's good to be back!! trying to catch up on your goings on down there too!! how are things?

carolyn said...

Hey, Karyne! I'm glad you're back! I've missed reading your blog! I'm sorry about the stuff you've been dealing with with your parents. It's definitely a tough, tough thing. We will pray for each other!


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Glad you are back and sorry to read of your difficulties,,,Broken Bones--No Fun At All, I Know!
And parents who are struggling with illness---no fun either!
That is wonderful that you are enjoying your students this year! BRAVO!

much2ponder said...

I am glad to hear things are going a bit better for you. Thank you for your open and honest heart. I love the quote at the bottom of this post:)

swilek said...

@Carolyn...thanks sweetie..praying for you too!
@LaurAny thanks!
@OOLOTH yes...this stage of my life is an interesting mix...on one hand, I love being in my 40's and on the other I don't like all the issues that come, esp. dealing with sick parents...the circle of life!
@Much2ponder You are is good to be back...I love those celtic prayers too...reading a great book by calvin miller about celtic prayer!