Monday 26 October 2009

A Hug a Day keeps the Doctor Away!

***update below***

Check out this story over at Alastir Appleton's blog. (Alastir used to be the host of the British series, "Escape to the Country.") I was actually touched by his story about a woman called Amma. I have never heard of her before, but I suspect she is very familiar in the Buddhist circles. Looking past our vast differences in theological views, I do think this woman is truly amazing for giving this simple but profound gift to people. Thousands and thousands of people line up just to be hugged. Why do you think that is?

Have you ever been hugged so snugly you don't want to ever let go? I have needed those hugs on many occasions and am grateful to those friends who extended them to me. I wonder how different our world would be if we graciously extended snug hugs to every person we encountered? Just some thoughts to ponder!

*** On the last day of school before Christmas vacation (Dec 18, 2009), I received more hugs from my students than ever before. They initiated it! It was GREAT and I had no problem hugging them back. A profound gift!***


sealaura said...

hugs are good. i know what you mean. sometimes they make all the difference. hope you are off to a great week!

swilek said...

@sealaura...yes they can make all the difference. I remember when my best friend's dad died. my other best friend and I went up to the funeral and we all had this special moment of hugging each other so tightly for probably an 1/2 hour! It made all the difference!