It snowed today. In fact, it is still snowing as I type this. Our first snowfall. The kind of snow that is perfect for making snowballs. The kind that crunches loudly under your feet as you walk down the sidewalk. It is the snow that somehow has the ability to calm the night air. It stills the hustle and bustle of city life. Peaceful. Stress -Relieving. The kind of snow that beckons one to put on NEW winter outer garments (I just have to share my GREAT find I bought at "Winners" last night...)AND
go for a stroll savouring every snowflake that lands on your nose.After my hectic day and having to miss my yoga class tonight, I knew I needed to follow that beckoning voice and go for a "run-walk" in the calming snow. A while back, I finally decided to heed my friends' encouragement and start running, a sport they enjoy immensely. I am still at the "run- for- one- streetlight- walk -the -next-repeat- stage!" Tonight was actually the first time my body didn't feel heavy as I ran. I wasn't counting the streetlights longing for the sight of home. I felt light under my feet and was surprised when I arrived at my front door - relaxed. The weight of today was lifted. It had to be the magical snow!
I got to thinking as I was running. ( I know that is poor grammar:)) Thinking about
Carmi's new theme:
"Broken." Thinking about all the
broken people in the world. Thinking about all the
broken people
The Salvation Army helps through their
Christmas Kettle Campaign. I am helping again this year and had my first shift last night.
Generous givers. I love hearing the stories of how these givers were once helped as children from the Christmas Kettle Campaign. It made a difference in their broken lives and now they are "paying it forward," helping to mend broken lives.
Most importantly, I was thinking about Jesus, the Healer of these broken lives.
"Jesu! Only -begotten Son and Lamb of God the Father,
Thou didst give the wine-blood of Thy body to buy me from the grave.
My Christ! My Christ! My shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night, each light, each dark;
My Christ! My Christ! My shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night, each light, each dark.
Be near me, uphold me, my treasure, my triumph,
In my lying, in my standing, in my watching, in my sleeping,
Jesu, Son of Mary! My helper, my encircler,
Jesu, Son of David! My strength everlasting;
Jesu, Son of Mary! My helper, my encircler,
Jesu, Son of David! My strength everlasting.
Carmina Gadelica"
" It is the delight of the Father to hold us in his broad arms to embrace our infant understanding and to caress away our fears. We are hedged in by love, and the Father has sent his Son to complete the circle of his embrace. And everywhere we look is Christ; he is before us, behind us, beneath us and above us...To our right he is our shield, to our left, our breastplate. In the valley of the shadow, we have a rod and staff. Our prayers are his weapons, and mighty they are for the pulling down of strongholds."
("Celtic Devotions," by Calvin Miller)