Thursday 20 November 2008

Five things I have observed thus far while working the Salvation Army Christmas Kettles at the LCBO : ( "Liquor Control Board of Ontario." My American bloggy friends, I should explain that here in Canada you can't buy alcohol at the local convenience or grocery store. It is regulated by our government and can only be bought at any LCBO location or Beer Store.)

5. At least once per night, I watch shoplifters walk right out of the store with hundreds of dollars worth of alcohol under their winter jackets,while the security guard is texting his mates AND the other employees are busy doing their jobs. The police department should hire me! One becomes quite observant while trying to pass the time!
4. Great customer service.
3. All cashiers are on deck. Lines are never allowed to get to 5 people in length, with the exception of Christmas hours.
2. The majority of customers are men - of all shapes and sizes!
1. A great place for single gals to meet single men - of all shapes and sizes!


Aphra said...

It is funny you mention #5. I was terribly shocked to see a young man put a chocolate bar in his pants yesterday in the $1 store and I didn't know what to do. There was just 1 (rather unfit) cashier, a lineup of people and he was already out the door. They had no 'loss prevention' officer. I didn't know what to do.

lynette355 said...

Wow, put a mini cam on that santa hat and stop them as they come out for a DONATION. Tell them what you have seen and it is all on film. Do they wish to return inside the store now?

I had to come and see you since your a SITS-er and was above my comment. Ready to read more.

I am not single but good to know where to go for man watching. LOL

The Joynes Girls said...

When my husband was in retail, he ran down a shoplifter and tackled the guy. Not exactly store protocol, but scared the guy to death!

sealaura said...

hi there! thanks for visiting me. to answer your question, yes that is me in the last pic this week. My friend Janet took that one. I love your blog, very fun and positive.

Frizzy said...

I remember this from my trip to BC. It was strange to see a store selling alcohol in the middle of the mall. We gave food to a homeless man begging instead of money. About 30 minutes later who came walking out of the Alcohol store but this same man. Even more sad is the sandwhich we gave him was left lying on the ground where we gave it to him. THanks for stopping by on my SITS day. I hope you'll come back again.

Runner Girl said...

Perhaps when you are finished volunteering, you should get a job as a clerk...

Glad you're having fun!

swilek said...

@ APhra It is shocking and apparently the employees can't chase after them they are getting away with it...can you imagine shoplifting at the dollar store...everything is so cheap as it is!! oh and apparently they won't arrest shoplifters in December!!

@ Lynette..what a GREAT idea! You also share the same name as my sis in law..haven't met many Lynettes...I will keep you posted on more man watching spots!!:):)

@ Sadiebut..yikes..that is why they most likely don't chase after them now

@ sealaura..thanks!

@ Birds and YAYA...I'm sorry that was your experience in Canada...I have seen that too when I have given to the homeless
@ Kimberley...I know I should work there..nice staff and apparently good wages and's a government job!!