Saturday 3 November 2007

A "not so good" Blast from the Past

One of my favourite summer memories was going up to my trailer at MBC , located just outside Huntsville. I couldn't wait for the day when I was old enough to work on staff. That day came the summer of 1984. I was so excited to be waitressing (and secretly excited to be able to finally get to wear the different coloured aprons the waitresses wore each day!!! ) The summer of '84 turned out to be a crazy summer....... A little boy from the camp got lost for a couple of days in the woods... I almost got fired for playing a silly, innocent prank in the room of 3 guys from my church who came up to MBC to help find the missing boy!!!:)...a cottage family was involved in a fatal car accident that left the mother dead ..BUT, the most vivid memory for me was hearing my friend's mother was murdered. They had a cottage at MBC. I will never forget seeing my friend's father in the HUB ( cafe) about a week after his wife was murdered. I remember feeling so sad and so sorry for this man and his family. I was also surprised to see him at MBC so soon after the murder. There was good reason for my gut instinct...Two weeks after my "sighting" , this man was charged and eventually convicted of hiring a hit man to kill his wife. We were all in shock. How could this outwardly respectable churchgoer - a supposed Christian - do something so tragic? A myriad of thoughts and questions filled my mind that summer -with not many answers. I followed the story over the years. This man was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife after a 68-day trial filled with lurid testimony that exposed a life no one would have expected from this MBC cottager. Why do I share this story with you? This man died yesterday in prison. I was surprised when I read it in the paper today. I have often wondered how his children have coped over the years - basically left as orphans. I hope they have been able to make it through the other side with grace, strength, love, forgiveness and faith. Rest in peace.


Aphra said...

Hi Karyne,

Thanks for your comment on my blog! The student was very troubled and I think my supervisor thought that if she made him short-term happy that she would be able to get further with him. As it turns out, it ended up not mattering as the student dropped out of engineering yesterday.
My supervisor is also an assistant dean and so she has more reason to people-please than I do!
This course can be frustrating because the students don't see the value in what they are learning and the administration does not see the value in what I do. If I didn't love the course so much I would quit- I do not need a lot of the headaches it brings!

swilek said...

I see...glad the student dropped out ...the politics in education is a big headache for would be ideal to be able to teach what you love with no headaches...I'm glad you love the course...keep pressing on...I just read your review of eat pray and love on facebook...I just finished writing a blog entry about my take on the book before I read your review!!!