Saturday 10 November 2007

Facing my fears of failure and rejection

Inspired this week by a book I am reading, "No Opportunity Wasted" (by Phil Keoghan host of The Amazing Race) , I dived face first into my ocean of fear in order to rise high above the waves of failure and rejection. I am caught in the strong undertow. But, I am a fighter. I am tired. I am hurt. I want to give up. But, I am a fighter. By God's Grace. I see a glimmer of light at the surface. I can make it. By God's Strength. How will I respond once I reach the surface? That is the question. To be or not to be. Trying out for a minuscule solo part for a church musical may seem like a trivial way to conquer my fear of failure and rejection, but not for me. It's more complicated than it sounds and it's not the only time I have been turned down for a part in a church musical. I knew what the outcome would be before I dived in. However, I decided to tackle this opportunity as a "NOW" moment. I worked hard. So here I am . Caught in the undertow. But, I am a fighter. By God's Wisdom, Love and Peace. I will rise above those waves. I will be okay. Lessons learned. Conqueror. Ready to fight the battle all over again.


Carol said...

Are you ok? You weren't there today.

Anonymous said...

Hi are you doing? You sent me an invitation to something on Saturday...what is that about? Sounds interesting!! We should get together for coffee again soon...or maybe you would like to come over one evening for dinner.....let me know what your schedule is like......
Thinking of you!! :)