Monday 19 March 2007

Paris est Magnifique!

Bonjour Madames et Monsieurs! J'adore Paris! As you can see I am still in the french mode! I just returned and want to update my blog on my adventures in Paris! I had an amazing time and want to share highlights but have been trying to get my pics on Picasa, which is taking longer than I had hoped so this blog entry will be short. You can view my pics but I haven't had a chance to post captions about the pics yet, so please check back! The web album address is: Au Revoir mes amis!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I loved looking at your pictures! There's so much to see, eh? I'll definitely check back for the captions. It looks like you had great weather the whole time, too! Can't wait to hear about it!


PS Was that the underpass thingy where Princess Di had her car accident?

swilek said...

Yes, that was the underpass and hotel Ritz where Diana died...I had to go searching for it and was glad I found it with the help of a kind French police officer!!!