Thursday 22 March 2007

Durham District School Board EA's, Custodians and Secretaries on Strike!

Greeting me when I got home from an incredible vacation was the news that we were going out on strike Wednesday! I am now on a new adventure in my life that is not a pleasant one. I am still in shock that a settlement was not reached between our board and union, but realize I must change my mode of thinking and go with the flow!!! We haven't been on strike in 20 years! I had my first strike duty yesterday and it wasn't so bad!!! Today, we were shipped to Queen's Park for a rally that I must admit was boring, so I decided to spice things up... I convinced my coworkers to move to the area where the tv cameras were filming! Citypulse news at noon had their cameras rolling and I decided to wave to everyone out there in tv land, much like I appear in the photo above, minus the magnificant makeup application!!:) I was a bit starstruck because I watch Citypulse news - well Breakfast Television mostly. I did not realize they were reporting live! When the cameras stopped rolling for a moment, the cameraman said to me in a joking tone, " we try to get the kids to stop doing that!!:)" When I got home from the rally, my parents told me they saw me on the news!!!:) I was thrilled and thought I may be on the news at 6pm, but it turned out they edited me out!!! Go figure!!:) Well, strike duty comes early tomorrow, so I'd better sign out for now! I am praying a resolution will happen soon!


Anonymous said...

I know! They did edit you out. I did see you the first time I looked on their website but then when I went back you were gone...thats disappointing. Oh well! It was cute while it lasted. =)

swilek said...

How could they edit me out eh!!!:) It was a fun moment in the midst of a boring protest!!:)