Genuine, pure, warm hospitality- a rare gift so aptly modelled by my parents...
...inviting newcomers to Canada ( who happen to be friends of mine but strangers to my folks) over to enjoy Christmas dinner with our family. We spared no expense with immersing them into our favourite Canadian ( via our British ancestors) traditions of Christmas Crackers ( see photo above), Plum Pudding with my delicious secret sauce, salt fish (well this is a Newfie tradition), Christmas cake and crokinole (I don't know if they play this game in the UK or not)! A wonderful time was had by all!
shelter or protection from danger or trouble, to take refuge from a storm.
a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.
retreat, sanctuary, haven.
Yes, I am drinking my first beer ever, well it is actually Strongbow Cider! I LOVED it!)
How can I ever express my inmost gratitude for the time spent with my precious friend over the holidays? She created a refuge for my soul. A shelter, a sanctuary, a haven, an auspicious occasion, a refuge.
loved unconditionally
healing deep wounds
release without judgement
kindred spirits
defenders of friendship
refuge like our Father
loved unconditionally
healing deep wounds
release without judgement
kindred spirits
defenders of friendship
refuge like our Father
How can I ever express my inmost gratitude to my Father for allowing our paths to cross when we were but innocent teenagers? It is a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime friendship that has endured the test of time? I am blessed. Thank you my sweet Shave! Thank you my sweet Father! Both of you are a refuge like no other!
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2Cor. 5:17)
I started a new tradition, well new to me, for New Year's Eve. I was visiting my sweet Brasilian friend over the holidays and she told me in Brasil everyone wears white on New Year's Eve. It symbolizes starting anew. Wiping the slate clean so to speak. Jesus wiped our slate clean- "washed our sins white as snow."
"We tend to rehash the past and rehearse the future. You can fret as much as you want, and it's not going to change anything. Why not get through with grace and ease?"
Julianna Margulies, actress
Julianna Margulies, actress
Also, white is made of seven colors, so the wearing of white can also symbolize bringing "colour," vibrancy, life into the new year. At midnight, you are to make a wish. If your wish involves finding love then you wear a touch of red :)
My prayer for 2010 (from Hal Helms, Echoes of Eternity, Volume 2):
"What do you think God expects from you? Just this: Live in His presence in holy reverence, follow the road He sets out for you, love Him, serve God, your God, with everything you have in you, obey the commandments and regulations of God that I'm commanding you today-live a good life."
(Deut. 10:12-13, The Message)
(Deut. 10:12-13, The Message)
"Continue on in the path, My son and My daughter. It is a good path, and leads onward toward our mutual goal. Calm your fears, child. I am here and will be here always and all the way. Deo Gratias "
2 comments: Bolivia it's what colour underwear you wear New Year's Eve that determines what will happen to you in the new year. Wear yellow and it's all about the cash flow. Red means love for us too...
Worried that bright red or yellow gitch might seem unsightly under those white clothes you're wearing? That's okay...just wear your underwear over your clothes so everyone knows what's on your mind for the new year. =)
Yea, I wish I was making this stuff up.
As a side note, my first New Years here I couldn't figure out why the market was suddenly filled with people selling red underwear. =) It was a bit surreal...
@ Ken..this is hilarious..who knew! are you sure you aren't making it up!:) lost in translation eh?!!:)
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