Sounds of Newfoundland filled the halls tonight at my parents place!! I was privy to this gathering, made up of mainly Newfoundlanders from the Salvation Army. ( if one grew up in Newfoundland, you were either, Pentecostal, Salvation Army or United!! My dad's family was/is Pentecostal!! ) As I sat and listened to the "yarns" and the music (yes, there were spoons a playin') I reflected on why I LOVE Newfie's:
-- I love their accent and dialect (even when I cannot understand them!)
-- I love their storytelling ("yarns")
-- I love their food, yes, even the wild game AND there is always plenty to go around
-- I love their friendliness and open arms to everyone
-- I love the fact that they will open their homes to strangers and will make sure they feed them
-- I love that anyone can stop by their home any time, any day -- their "doors are always open"
-- I love their music -- guitars, mandolins, spoons, piano, fiddles all come out when company is over and the singing begins until the wee hours of the morning -- I love hearing all the old hymns sung in four - part harmony -- it is beautiful
-- I love their sense of humour
-- I love their "Rock" -- it is an incredibly GORGEOUS province -- breathtaking scenery
-- I love their "Purity" products, especially peppermint knobs and barrel candy ( I always stock up when I go to Newfoundland...my purchases give it away that I am a "mainlander"!!)
I am proud to be the daughter of a Newfoundander and proud/thankful to have such a rich heritage. If you ever have the opportunity, make sure you visit the "Rock"! Check out
www.newfoundlandandlabradortourism.com I am confident you will love Newfies too!!
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