Saturday 22 December 2018


I am having a a wee love-hate relationship right now with social media. 🤣😂

Long before the term influencer and branding were hashtags on instgram and long before selfies, I was all over the latest social media trends. Hopped on board twitter from the beginning when it was boring and only a few people on it. I have been a blogger over on Blogger since 2006! Was one of the first of my friends on instagram when it was all about posting cool photos.

Social media is an amazing tool now for all sorts of avenues, especially promoting a business and/or a cause. Yet, for me something has shifted.

Now I feel a pressure that I have never felt before. Now I have found I am comparing myself to all the "influencers" out there. Now I am thinking I am not good enough.  Now I am feeling I am not branding myself enough or in the right way. Like I have no idea how to pose with my one leg straight behind me and my other let slightly bent  and hip out without falling over.You know what I am talking about! 😉 How do ya'll do that?!

I don't like the fact I am comparing myself one bit to what I see on social media. I always have loved getting to know people and love seeing their lives posted on social media. I used to have a penpal back in the day when we actually wrote ✒letters✉ to people!😉 So this what I call  modern day penpals!

Somehow though I have lost sight of that simplicity that once excited me. I have lost sight of my own dreams and goals. I have lost a bit of my confidence. I rebel against all those perfect photos we see (Yes I try to post the perfect shot too)!

So I am trying to take a step back and tell myself to👉 🛑STOP🛑 comparing myself to what other people are doing! Remember I am on my own journey! Remember I am a confident, strong, fierce woman. Remember I am just where I need to be. Remember why I started doing what I am doing in the first place!  Have fun! Laugh more! Continue to be who God created me to be. Continue to learn and grow. Continue to be authenic! But STOP the comparison tape📼

#beconfident #beauthentic #bebrave #stopcomparing #bossbabe #canadianentrepreneur #selflove #instagood #bestrong #befierce #bereal

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