Sunday 18 March 2012

How to win the Battle

  "The Lord will fight for you. All you need to do is stand still. Be still and know that I am God."
(Exodus 14:14)

My friend over at Feathers of Inspiration posted this verse one day on her blog. I couldn't believe how timely it was for me to read it that particular day. I needed the encouragement.  Standing still in the middle of a battle is difficult to do but wise advice. As I have mentioned, I  moved back home with my folks and then we all moved house. It has been the most stressful time in my life and the longest move ever! Packing up seniors is a slow process and change has been difficult for them at this stage in their life. Thus making it difficult on me!  I have had to cling to this verse daily! It is hard for me to be still. I am a natural peacemaker so want to try to resolve things on my own, which results in more stress (and me being miserable to live with)! God has reminded me that He will fight for me. I just need to be and let Him do the rest. After this difficult transition I know without a doubt He is God. I know without a doubt He is my stronghold. I know without a doubt God is greater. I know without a doubt He fights me me. I know without a doubt God, who is Peace, bestows peace daily on my restless, hurting soul. Remember...God will fight for you too. All you need to do is stand still! 


Cherry said...

Wow - I love that God can use His word so clearly thousands of miles apart!

swilek said...

I know! I LOVE how God works! So thank you for sharing that verse! I'll have to send you an email sometime to explain in more depth it why it meant so much to me!