Thursday 8 July 2010

a bold memorial

I saw something today that made me stop and turn my car around. I wanted to take a closer look. It was a memorial. One that no doubt is controversial, but worth pausing to reflect and remember.

In the shadow of the large maple tree looming high above the catholic church hall, there stood a white, wooden cross. An abundantly colourful wildflower garden surrounded the cross. In the middle, nailed to that cross, was a yellow sign with black bold lettering which proclaimed:

"In honour of those who lost their lives due to abortion."

I realize the abortion issue is a controversial one , even to those reading my blog. I am pro- life. I make no bones about it. However, I make no judgement upon those who are pro-choice. Realistically, if I am to be honest with myself, I have no idea what decision I would make if I was suddenly raped and left pregnant. I would hope I would chose life, but I can't be 100% certain.

Life is a miracle. More and more I am utterly amazed at how intricately detailed God has designed our bodies to be alive and to create life. A couple months back I went to the Body Worlds exhibit with my school. I found it to be a fascinating exhibit. I learned so much and, being a visual learner I was in my glory. It clearly showed me how truly amazing our human body is and how the design of it fits together perfectly. It confirmed in my mind God is an amazing Creator.

The one area that intrigued me the most was seeing the babies (fetuses) as young as 5 weeks (I believe) right up to 40 weeks. I stood and stared for a long time marvelling at these precious babies standing only 1 cm tall- they WERE babies with fingernails, eyelashes, smiles on their faces, etc. It saddened me as well to know these babies were children of parents out there who lost them far too young. It was a poignant moment for me. But one that affirmed life begins at conception. Truly a miracle. Life is precious.

So how does one respond to a bold, powerful memorial declaring to those that pass by, life is precious choose wisely, remember the innocent ones who didn't have the opportunity to experience life here on earth?

My response. A prayer for the families and then I thanked God for the life He has allowed me to live. May I continue to live it wisely.


Melissa Haak said...

Stopping by from SITS.

This is beautiful and I whole heartedly agree with you. Have a great weekend.

Crownd Vic said...

Wow, that's a LOT to think about. I guess I am grateful for my life but I have to admit I value the choices I can make for my own body. Very controversial, I know.

On a lighter note: Thanks for stopping by my SITS Potluck Post, today!
If you'd like to follow up on my wedding plans (like you commented) feel free to follow me with Google Friends Connect!

swilek said...

@ melissa..thanks...great meeting you!

@ Queen Vic...I appreciate your comments. I value the choices I can make for my own body too! I look forward to seeing how your wedding plans unfold! exciting!