Saturday 19 December 2009

Olympic Torch Run

The air was cold and crisp yet somehow refreshing as I eagerly walked towards the spot where the Olympic Torch would be passing through my community(it was actually right up the street from where I live) on that early winter morning (5:30 am Thursday December 17th to be exact)! I didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the Olympic Torch on its trek across Canada in anticipation of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. I was dressed in my finest Canadian winter attire: layers of thermals, wool socks, toque, parka, mitts, gortex boots, pajamas ( well that is not standard wear but I had just jumped out of bed and headed out the door...I would shower later for work)!

I was surprised to see so many people out supporting our athletes this early in the morning. The media were out and about. In fact, my favourite early morning news show, "Breakfast Television" was broadcasting live so I was thrilled. What I didn't know was one of the show's hosts would be the torchbearer for this leg of the run.

Finally, the Olympic entourage arrived at our spot. Equipped with our Canadian flags we began cheering for the athletes and torchbearers. It was exciting. I should have been a journalist because I was able to be the first on scene to capture a snap of CP24's Breakfast Television host Ann Rohmer who had just been passed the torch from the former runner. Unfortunately, I was not able to stay to see it lit because I had to walk home and get ready for work. I actually had to crawl my way out of the crowd that had gathered around Ann. But I could see the Olympic Torch flame flying high in the distance as I walked home. I felt proud to be a Canadian at that moment. I love how the Olympics bring people, communities, and nations together in peace for a brief moment in time. Congratulations to our Canadian Olympic athletes. Go get 'em eh!!

Here I am dressed and ready to go!
Don't laugh at me:)

It had snowed the day before. I love walking in the snow!

Part of the Olympic Torch Run entourage. I still haven't figured out how to take clear pics in darkness with my camera so thus the blurry pics.
Ann Rohmer, one of the Torchbearers

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